At Last Week’s Service
On Sunday, September 20th the sun was shining through the church’s stained glass windows and there were lovely fall flowers and Indian corn on the altar. For our special music Maddie Wilson played her saxophone with great skill; worshippers said her music was moving and uplifting. Children heard a lesson from Linda Sheeran and got an activity sheet with the day’s Bible lesson.
Food continues to be donated by those coming to worship each week. There are also some who stay after the service and work with our music director Cathy King on upcoming music pieces. Stay tuned for a small group of bell ringers later this fall, and more piano pieces played by Carol Markley.
In the early afternoon, some members of our church met up in Clifton Park to pick apples at Devoe’s Rainbow Orchard. There was a good assortment of apple varieties to choose from in the orchard, plus most trees were shorter making picking extra easy. One family was going to be making apple bread, another has already reported making some apple cobblers. Check out photos from that outing on our church’s Facebook page or website.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
On October 10th, Rebuilding Together Saratoga County will be holding a "Bed Build Day" with Sleep in Heavenly Peace. This is when a group of volunteers unite in building beds for children who have none. They will be using our parking lot for this and all the wood is donated. Let’s hope they have good weather and are able to make the number of beds needed.
End of Summer Picnic
On October 10th, from 11 am to 1 pm, we will be holding our End of Summer picnic. This will be held at Kelly Park this year. Originally, Kelly Park had been reserved for our Falling Leaves 5K run, but since that had to be cancelled due to Covid-19, it became available for the picnic. Covid-19 has also changed the format of the picnic. It will be strictly BYOF…Bring Your Own Food. We will not be having a potluck. Masks must be worn, and social distancing must be observed.
World Communion Sunday
World Communion Sunday is next week, Oct. 4, 2020. Celebrated the first Sunday in October, this Special Sunday with offering focuses our attention on the universal and inclusive nature of the church. We look forward to this celebration annually when we partake of Holy Communion together and share our gifts to support racial-ethnic students and others in their quest to become leaders who embody the mission of The United Methodist Church.
The offering facilitates the educational preparation and training of United Methodists from around the world and bolsters recruitment, training, and retention of racial-ethnic people for leadership positions at every level of the church.
You can contribute online to World Communion Sunday at!
Thank you for your generous gifts.
Family Fall Festival at Skye Farm
Want to see Skye Farm in all its fall foliage glory? Would you like to enjoy apple cider and a piece of cranberry crud by the lake? How about hopping on a wagon ride around camp?
On Sunday, October 4 from 1-4 pm, will be the first Family Fall Festival! Outdoor, socially distanced activities will include wagon rides, camp games, a special scavenger hunt, and more! Items from the camp store will be available, a bake sale with favorite Skye farm goodies, and a rummage sale down at the barn. It’s going to be great!
Too far for a day event? Come stay in a cabin or lodge for a night or two and enjoy the festivities on Sunday afternoon!
Register for this free event at to let us know you’re coming! This event can be found under “Youth and Family Retreats.”
Each carload of people arriving for the festival will complete a brief COVID-19 screening form and have their temperature checked. Festival-goers and staff will wear masks whenever 6 ft. distance cannot be maintained. Thank you for helping to keep the Skye Farm community safe!
A Report on the Thrift Shop
After careful consideration, conversation, and time, the Leadership Team and the leadership of the Thrift Shop have decided that the Thrift Shop will remain closed until April 2021. In April, it will be re-evaluated on operation, hours, etc.
Many factors went into the decision, which was not made lightly: availability of volunteers; upkeep and sanitizing in an old, rough building (no surfaces are smooth); additional time that would be required of our custodian; contact tracing; the unknown piece of where the garments come from and if they are COVID free; limited access with narrow staircase with only one access - not the two that is preferred one for entry and one for exit; the need for additional hand sanitizing stations; and the list goes on. It also subjects our staff to additional exposure to the public through the front entry. There would be no access to the public for the rest room.
As we face the Fall and Winter months, the pandemic continues to be a threat. Until there is a proven vaccine and medicines to help conquer the virus, we are using caution to protect our staff and volunteers.
We understand that it is a change from what we have done in the past. It will take all of us time to adjust to the current realities. We pray for the people around this area, the country, and the world.
The Leadership Team and Leadership of the Thrift Shop
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
Joyce Cook (53 Margaret Drive, Ballston Spa) and Bob Elbertson (91 Church Avenue, Apt. 211, Ballston Spa) are both home now. They would enjoy receiving your cards and short phone calls.
The Food Pantry Needs Your Help
Food insecurity is very real during this time. If you are someone who is in this situation, please feel free to come to the Church House on Wednesday between 9:30 and 11:30 to receive food. If you are able to help, please consider giving either a monetary donation or something from the below list. If you are able to donate your time, please give the office a call and give your availability. Thank you for your help and giving.
Pantry Items Needed
Supporting Our Church Together
We currently have a financial shortfall due to the decreased attendance at worship services. Cost cutting measures are being implemented wherever possible. We have an ongoing fundraiser for Hoffman Car washes that we hope you will support. However, what is most needed is consistent givers. If you are already using VANCO to send your gifts to the church, we are grateful; you can also give online securely on our website. You can also use a “BillPay” option from your bank at no cost. You can designate that a certain amount be sent to us by mail and they will write a check as part of their customer service. All it takes is to contact your bank. And if you need the church’s mailing address, it is 101 Milton Ave, Ballston Spa, NY 12020.
Thank you for your help in meeting our needs.
Weekly Sermons on Facebook
The sermon can be found in print (as well as video) on the Recent Posts page of this site. If you do not have access to that, a print copy can be mailed to you from our church office. Please let the office (518-885-6886) know if you would like it mailed to you and are not currently receiving it that way.
Worship Schedule for October
Oct. 4 World Communion Sunday
Scripture: Psalm 19:7-14
Sermon: “God’s Word Guides, Revives and Rewards”
Theme: The word of God is valuable for Christians
Oct. 11
Scripture: Philippians 4:1-9
Sermon: “Ready and Steady Christians”
Theme: Learning how to be a strong Christian
Oct. 18 Laity Sunday
Oct. 25 Reformation Sunday
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Sermon: “We Seek to Please God, Not People”
Theme: Being faithful in faith matters
Fair Trade
Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate are still available from Stan Lockwood. If interested, please contact him at 518-885-1552 or via email at [email protected].
Music for Services
At present, we are not permitted to sing hymns as a congregation, so we would like to feature instrumentalists as much as possible. If you are interested in playing during the service, please contact Cathy King at 518 584-2865 or [email protected] with your availability. She would need a few dates that work for you so she can schedule things appropriately.
Many thanks for sharing your gifts of music!
Basic Lay Servant Course to be offered via ZOOM in October
Interested in becoming a Certified Lay Servant, Certified Lay Speaker or Certified Lay Minister*? Here is how you start!
This course is foundational for all courses in Lay Servant Ministries. Participants are encouraged to discover and employ personal spiritual gifts as God intended and to consider the importance of exercising servant leadership, developing future leaders, remaining rooted in consistent spiritual practices, and being part of a group that holds members accountable in their discipleship." (2020 Lay Servant Catalog)
Mondays, October 19 and 26: 5:30-8:30
Thursdays, October 22 and 29: 5:30-8:30
Cost: $15
Instructors: Arlene Schmidt, CLM, and Jacqueline Kim, CLS
To register contact Adirondack District registrar Arlene Schmidt at [email protected]. Class size will be limited to 12 participants and must purchase the book "Lay Servant Ministries: Basic", by Sandy Jackson with Brian Jackson.
Dates for additional courses in the Certified Lay Ministry are to be scheduled.
Have a blessed week
On Sunday, September 20th the sun was shining through the church’s stained glass windows and there were lovely fall flowers and Indian corn on the altar. For our special music Maddie Wilson played her saxophone with great skill; worshippers said her music was moving and uplifting. Children heard a lesson from Linda Sheeran and got an activity sheet with the day’s Bible lesson.
Food continues to be donated by those coming to worship each week. There are also some who stay after the service and work with our music director Cathy King on upcoming music pieces. Stay tuned for a small group of bell ringers later this fall, and more piano pieces played by Carol Markley.
In the early afternoon, some members of our church met up in Clifton Park to pick apples at Devoe’s Rainbow Orchard. There was a good assortment of apple varieties to choose from in the orchard, plus most trees were shorter making picking extra easy. One family was going to be making apple bread, another has already reported making some apple cobblers. Check out photos from that outing on our church’s Facebook page or website.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
On October 10th, Rebuilding Together Saratoga County will be holding a "Bed Build Day" with Sleep in Heavenly Peace. This is when a group of volunteers unite in building beds for children who have none. They will be using our parking lot for this and all the wood is donated. Let’s hope they have good weather and are able to make the number of beds needed.
End of Summer Picnic
On October 10th, from 11 am to 1 pm, we will be holding our End of Summer picnic. This will be held at Kelly Park this year. Originally, Kelly Park had been reserved for our Falling Leaves 5K run, but since that had to be cancelled due to Covid-19, it became available for the picnic. Covid-19 has also changed the format of the picnic. It will be strictly BYOF…Bring Your Own Food. We will not be having a potluck. Masks must be worn, and social distancing must be observed.
World Communion Sunday
World Communion Sunday is next week, Oct. 4, 2020. Celebrated the first Sunday in October, this Special Sunday with offering focuses our attention on the universal and inclusive nature of the church. We look forward to this celebration annually when we partake of Holy Communion together and share our gifts to support racial-ethnic students and others in their quest to become leaders who embody the mission of The United Methodist Church.
The offering facilitates the educational preparation and training of United Methodists from around the world and bolsters recruitment, training, and retention of racial-ethnic people for leadership positions at every level of the church.
You can contribute online to World Communion Sunday at!
Thank you for your generous gifts.
Family Fall Festival at Skye Farm
Want to see Skye Farm in all its fall foliage glory? Would you like to enjoy apple cider and a piece of cranberry crud by the lake? How about hopping on a wagon ride around camp?
On Sunday, October 4 from 1-4 pm, will be the first Family Fall Festival! Outdoor, socially distanced activities will include wagon rides, camp games, a special scavenger hunt, and more! Items from the camp store will be available, a bake sale with favorite Skye farm goodies, and a rummage sale down at the barn. It’s going to be great!
Too far for a day event? Come stay in a cabin or lodge for a night or two and enjoy the festivities on Sunday afternoon!
Register for this free event at to let us know you’re coming! This event can be found under “Youth and Family Retreats.”
Each carload of people arriving for the festival will complete a brief COVID-19 screening form and have their temperature checked. Festival-goers and staff will wear masks whenever 6 ft. distance cannot be maintained. Thank you for helping to keep the Skye Farm community safe!
A Report on the Thrift Shop
After careful consideration, conversation, and time, the Leadership Team and the leadership of the Thrift Shop have decided that the Thrift Shop will remain closed until April 2021. In April, it will be re-evaluated on operation, hours, etc.
Many factors went into the decision, which was not made lightly: availability of volunteers; upkeep and sanitizing in an old, rough building (no surfaces are smooth); additional time that would be required of our custodian; contact tracing; the unknown piece of where the garments come from and if they are COVID free; limited access with narrow staircase with only one access - not the two that is preferred one for entry and one for exit; the need for additional hand sanitizing stations; and the list goes on. It also subjects our staff to additional exposure to the public through the front entry. There would be no access to the public for the rest room.
As we face the Fall and Winter months, the pandemic continues to be a threat. Until there is a proven vaccine and medicines to help conquer the virus, we are using caution to protect our staff and volunteers.
We understand that it is a change from what we have done in the past. It will take all of us time to adjust to the current realities. We pray for the people around this area, the country, and the world.
The Leadership Team and Leadership of the Thrift Shop
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
Joyce Cook (53 Margaret Drive, Ballston Spa) and Bob Elbertson (91 Church Avenue, Apt. 211, Ballston Spa) are both home now. They would enjoy receiving your cards and short phone calls.
The Food Pantry Needs Your Help
Food insecurity is very real during this time. If you are someone who is in this situation, please feel free to come to the Church House on Wednesday between 9:30 and 11:30 to receive food. If you are able to help, please consider giving either a monetary donation or something from the below list. If you are able to donate your time, please give the office a call and give your availability. Thank you for your help and giving.
Pantry Items Needed
- Green canned vegetables
- Macaroni and cheese
- Tuna
- Pasta (box, bag, and side dishes)
- Jelly
- Juice
- Chicken Breast (canned)
- Syrup
- Rice (box, bag, and side dishes)
- Cookies
- Condiments
- Crackers
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Personal hygiene items, including feminine products
Supporting Our Church Together
We currently have a financial shortfall due to the decreased attendance at worship services. Cost cutting measures are being implemented wherever possible. We have an ongoing fundraiser for Hoffman Car washes that we hope you will support. However, what is most needed is consistent givers. If you are already using VANCO to send your gifts to the church, we are grateful; you can also give online securely on our website. You can also use a “BillPay” option from your bank at no cost. You can designate that a certain amount be sent to us by mail and they will write a check as part of their customer service. All it takes is to contact your bank. And if you need the church’s mailing address, it is 101 Milton Ave, Ballston Spa, NY 12020.
Thank you for your help in meeting our needs.
Weekly Sermons on Facebook
The sermon can be found in print (as well as video) on the Recent Posts page of this site. If you do not have access to that, a print copy can be mailed to you from our church office. Please let the office (518-885-6886) know if you would like it mailed to you and are not currently receiving it that way.
Worship Schedule for October
Oct. 4 World Communion Sunday
Scripture: Psalm 19:7-14
Sermon: “God’s Word Guides, Revives and Rewards”
Theme: The word of God is valuable for Christians
Oct. 11
Scripture: Philippians 4:1-9
Sermon: “Ready and Steady Christians”
Theme: Learning how to be a strong Christian
Oct. 18 Laity Sunday
Oct. 25 Reformation Sunday
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Sermon: “We Seek to Please God, Not People”
Theme: Being faithful in faith matters
Fair Trade
Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate are still available from Stan Lockwood. If interested, please contact him at 518-885-1552 or via email at [email protected].
Music for Services
At present, we are not permitted to sing hymns as a congregation, so we would like to feature instrumentalists as much as possible. If you are interested in playing during the service, please contact Cathy King at 518 584-2865 or [email protected] with your availability. She would need a few dates that work for you so she can schedule things appropriately.
Many thanks for sharing your gifts of music!
Basic Lay Servant Course to be offered via ZOOM in October
Interested in becoming a Certified Lay Servant, Certified Lay Speaker or Certified Lay Minister*? Here is how you start!
This course is foundational for all courses in Lay Servant Ministries. Participants are encouraged to discover and employ personal spiritual gifts as God intended and to consider the importance of exercising servant leadership, developing future leaders, remaining rooted in consistent spiritual practices, and being part of a group that holds members accountable in their discipleship." (2020 Lay Servant Catalog)
Mondays, October 19 and 26: 5:30-8:30
Thursdays, October 22 and 29: 5:30-8:30
Cost: $15
Instructors: Arlene Schmidt, CLM, and Jacqueline Kim, CLS
To register contact Adirondack District registrar Arlene Schmidt at [email protected]. Class size will be limited to 12 participants and must purchase the book "Lay Servant Ministries: Basic", by Sandy Jackson with Brian Jackson.
Dates for additional courses in the Certified Lay Ministry are to be scheduled.
Have a blessed week