Welcome to Advent! This is the week of Peace
Advent is the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas. We light candles on an Advent wreath, a circular garland of evergreen branches representing eternity. Last week we lit the candle of Hope. The second candle, which we light today, represents Peace, the peace Jesus gives to us.
Important Announcement
There is a new strain of Covid, and we want everyone to be able to come to church and to leave well. So we ask that all people, no matter your vaccination status, wear masks upon entering or leaving the church. Please enter through the south door (the ramp) and exit through the north door as you are able. Please maintain social distancing. Once seated you may remove your masks if vaccinated. This continues to be a challenging time and we appreciate everyone’s efforts to keep each other well.
Are You Called to Serve Communion?
After church services on January 9th (this is a change of date due to the Pastor’s accident), Pastor Kelly will be having a training session for anyone willing to volunteer to take communion to the members of our church who are in nursing homes or home-bound. These people don’t have the opportunity to receive communion any other way, but you can help. Can you share your time for this worthwhile opportunity to bring comfort and joy to others?
We Are Ready for Christmas
Thank you to all of the people who have given their time and talents to decorate the church for Christmas. It looks beautiful!
Christmas Cantata
Advent is the four weeks preceding Christmas when we move from darkness into light. Lighting a special candle during each of those four weeks is one way we bring the symbolism of this journey into our everyday lives. Each of the four advent candles carries its own special meaning: hope, peace, joy, and love. The season culminates on Christmas Eve with the lighting of the Christ candle, symbolizing the arrival of the Christ Child in our lives. “Candles and Carols” by Mark Hayes is a cantata that celebrates each of these themes with readings, the lighting of candles and a familiar carol.
The Worship Team will present a portion of the cantata each week during Advent during our Sunday morning services. They will also perform the cantata in its entirety on December 19th at 3 pm and again during the 7 pm service on Christmas Eve.
Please join us on our journey. The full cantata takes approximately 30 minutes.
Poinsettias For the Altar
We will be having poinsettias on the altar again this year. If you would like to bring a poinsettia to place on the altar in memory of or in honor of someone, you may bring it December 18th at 1 pm to drop them off. To have the names in the Ministry Matters for that week, please send them to the office by calling 518-885-6886 or send them by email to [email protected] by December 15th.
Church Building Restoration Fund
The first part of the work to repair the church’s structural stability has been completed. The next phase will be done in the spring. Please consider contributing to help us work towards paying for this $71,500 project. Although there are investments which were received through generous bequests, the extent and cost of these repairs would significantly deplete church investments if not replenished. You can give online by clicking here (use the pull down menu to give to the Restoration Fund) OR give with cash or check through the weekly offering. Please clearly identify that the money is to be used for the Church Building Restoration Fund. Thank you for your support.
Winterwear Mission
It is time to start our Winterwear Mission which will be held through January. Hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves will be collected to be given to people through our Food Pantry and sent to the Navajo people and the Church Without Walls. Your donations may be left in the marked basket in the sanctuary. Your gifts of warmth are greatly needed and genuinely appreciated.
Fair Trade
Fair Trade coffee and tea are still available for those who wish to purchase it. Just call or email Stan Lockwood to make arrangements (518.885.1552 or [email protected]) . Also, dark chocolate bars will be available before the holidays to keep all who are chocolate lovers happy!! Thank you to those who support this ministry at BSUMC.
UMCOR - Love Joy Hope Peace
You bear witness to God’s presence in the world when the sick are made well and the vulnerable are protected. Join others just like you who are bringing life-saving medical interventions to at-risk children and families around the world. Please give today by marking your check Love Joy Hope Peace, or clicking here and choosing the UMCOR fund, or by visiting UMCOR at umcmission.org/givelove.
Sunday School December 12th
Join us for Sunday School! We will meet as one group and have some fun projects and activities to share with the kids to make it exciting. We look forward to seeing you!
Thrift Shop and Food Pantry
With COVID rates on the rise again, the Thrift Shop has closed for the time being. The Food Pantry remains open on Wednesdays from 9:30 till noon. Thank you to the people who continue to donate their time for both of these worthwhile missions.
A Meal Train for Pastor Kelly
As many of you know, Pastor Kelly fell while on vacation last week, resulting in a fractured foot and other injuries. For anyone who would like to participate in providing a dinner meal for Pastor Kelly and her family while she is recovering, they may do so by clicking here to visit Meal Train.
A Note from Pastor Kelly
Thank you everyone for your prayers, the meals dropped off at our home, and offers of help. These have all blessed us and helped us make it through a very hard week.
- Pastor Kelly
Did You Know?
Our services are posted to Facebook and on our website. If you Like it on Facebook and share it, it will reach many more people than if it is just on our Facebook page. You can also direct anyone to the Recent Posts page of this site (https://www.ballstonspaumchurch.org/recent-posts), which is where the service is posted weekly. This would be spreading the Word of God, as we are told to do in the Bible.
Sunday Coffee Hour is on ZOOM or by Phone
Join us for the 9:00 am Sunday Coffee Fellowship on Zoom. Please meet by computer or phone by connecting with the following information:
In the Zoom app or by phone at 929-205-6099, you can use Meeting ID: 963 0143 0502 / Passcode: 956579. Or simply click here to join Zoom Meeting.
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
This week's prayer concerns:
Please reach out to people who are alone during this time. A card or phone call will let them know they are not alone or forgotten.
Let’s Change the World, One Bouquet at a Time!
The Bloomin' 4 Good Program from Hannaford works to give back in our local communities. During December 2021 every $12.00 Bloomin' 4 Good Bouquet sold at the 43 Round Lake Road, Ballston Lake store sends a $1 donation to our Food Pantry. Each Bloomin’ 4 Good Bouquet must have the red circle sticker on it to get the donation.
The Bloomin' 4 Good Bouquet is a grower's choice floral bouquet. This means that the assortment of flowers within the bouquet will change. Be sure to look for the bouquet with the red circle sticker on it to be sure the purchase will support our food pantry.
Upcoming Events
December 7 - Finance Mtg. 6:30 pm
December 12 - 3rd Sunday of Advent – Joy
December 14 - Church Council 7 pm (via Zoom)
December 15 - Poinsettia names to office
December 18 - Poinsettias to church 1 pm
December 19 - 4th Sunday of Advent – Love
December 19 - Christmas Cantata 3 pm
December 21 - Blue Christmas 7 pm Round Lake
December 24 - Christmas Eve Svc. 7 pm
Dec. 25-Jan. 1 - Pastor Kelly on vacation
January 2 - Undecorating the church after service
January 9 - Communion Training after church
Christmas Gifts
Pastor Kelly appreciates the generous collection for a Christmas gift for her each year but requests that any gifts to be contributed to BACA. She is grateful for your kindness and giving.
There are lots of birthdays this week:
There are no anniversaries this week.
If there is a birthday or anniversary that you would like shared, please send it to the church office by email. Happy celebrations are always a blessing!
Next week in worship:
Sound George Wilson
Projection Katie Warner
Liturgist Melody Babcock
Children’s Time Linda Sheeran
Ushers Mary Drake & George Mallette
Have a blessed week
Advent is the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas. We light candles on an Advent wreath, a circular garland of evergreen branches representing eternity. Last week we lit the candle of Hope. The second candle, which we light today, represents Peace, the peace Jesus gives to us.
Important Announcement
There is a new strain of Covid, and we want everyone to be able to come to church and to leave well. So we ask that all people, no matter your vaccination status, wear masks upon entering or leaving the church. Please enter through the south door (the ramp) and exit through the north door as you are able. Please maintain social distancing. Once seated you may remove your masks if vaccinated. This continues to be a challenging time and we appreciate everyone’s efforts to keep each other well.
Are You Called to Serve Communion?
After church services on January 9th (this is a change of date due to the Pastor’s accident), Pastor Kelly will be having a training session for anyone willing to volunteer to take communion to the members of our church who are in nursing homes or home-bound. These people don’t have the opportunity to receive communion any other way, but you can help. Can you share your time for this worthwhile opportunity to bring comfort and joy to others?
We Are Ready for Christmas
Thank you to all of the people who have given their time and talents to decorate the church for Christmas. It looks beautiful!
Christmas Cantata
Advent is the four weeks preceding Christmas when we move from darkness into light. Lighting a special candle during each of those four weeks is one way we bring the symbolism of this journey into our everyday lives. Each of the four advent candles carries its own special meaning: hope, peace, joy, and love. The season culminates on Christmas Eve with the lighting of the Christ candle, symbolizing the arrival of the Christ Child in our lives. “Candles and Carols” by Mark Hayes is a cantata that celebrates each of these themes with readings, the lighting of candles and a familiar carol.
The Worship Team will present a portion of the cantata each week during Advent during our Sunday morning services. They will also perform the cantata in its entirety on December 19th at 3 pm and again during the 7 pm service on Christmas Eve.
Please join us on our journey. The full cantata takes approximately 30 minutes.
Poinsettias For the Altar
We will be having poinsettias on the altar again this year. If you would like to bring a poinsettia to place on the altar in memory of or in honor of someone, you may bring it December 18th at 1 pm to drop them off. To have the names in the Ministry Matters for that week, please send them to the office by calling 518-885-6886 or send them by email to [email protected] by December 15th.
Church Building Restoration Fund
The first part of the work to repair the church’s structural stability has been completed. The next phase will be done in the spring. Please consider contributing to help us work towards paying for this $71,500 project. Although there are investments which were received through generous bequests, the extent and cost of these repairs would significantly deplete church investments if not replenished. You can give online by clicking here (use the pull down menu to give to the Restoration Fund) OR give with cash or check through the weekly offering. Please clearly identify that the money is to be used for the Church Building Restoration Fund. Thank you for your support.
Winterwear Mission
It is time to start our Winterwear Mission which will be held through January. Hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves will be collected to be given to people through our Food Pantry and sent to the Navajo people and the Church Without Walls. Your donations may be left in the marked basket in the sanctuary. Your gifts of warmth are greatly needed and genuinely appreciated.
Fair Trade
Fair Trade coffee and tea are still available for those who wish to purchase it. Just call or email Stan Lockwood to make arrangements (518.885.1552 or [email protected]) . Also, dark chocolate bars will be available before the holidays to keep all who are chocolate lovers happy!! Thank you to those who support this ministry at BSUMC.
UMCOR - Love Joy Hope Peace
You bear witness to God’s presence in the world when the sick are made well and the vulnerable are protected. Join others just like you who are bringing life-saving medical interventions to at-risk children and families around the world. Please give today by marking your check Love Joy Hope Peace, or clicking here and choosing the UMCOR fund, or by visiting UMCOR at umcmission.org/givelove.
Sunday School December 12th
Join us for Sunday School! We will meet as one group and have some fun projects and activities to share with the kids to make it exciting. We look forward to seeing you!
Thrift Shop and Food Pantry
With COVID rates on the rise again, the Thrift Shop has closed for the time being. The Food Pantry remains open on Wednesdays from 9:30 till noon. Thank you to the people who continue to donate their time for both of these worthwhile missions.
A Meal Train for Pastor Kelly
As many of you know, Pastor Kelly fell while on vacation last week, resulting in a fractured foot and other injuries. For anyone who would like to participate in providing a dinner meal for Pastor Kelly and her family while she is recovering, they may do so by clicking here to visit Meal Train.
A Note from Pastor Kelly
Thank you everyone for your prayers, the meals dropped off at our home, and offers of help. These have all blessed us and helped us make it through a very hard week.
- Pastor Kelly
Did You Know?
Our services are posted to Facebook and on our website. If you Like it on Facebook and share it, it will reach many more people than if it is just on our Facebook page. You can also direct anyone to the Recent Posts page of this site (https://www.ballstonspaumchurch.org/recent-posts), which is where the service is posted weekly. This would be spreading the Word of God, as we are told to do in the Bible.
Sunday Coffee Hour is on ZOOM or by Phone
Join us for the 9:00 am Sunday Coffee Fellowship on Zoom. Please meet by computer or phone by connecting with the following information:
In the Zoom app or by phone at 929-205-6099, you can use Meeting ID: 963 0143 0502 / Passcode: 956579. Or simply click here to join Zoom Meeting.
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
This week's prayer concerns:
- Please pray for Pastor Kelly; she slipped going down some stairs and broke bones in her left foot. She has some other injuries that will also need to heal. The next time people see her she will be wearing a “boot” - that’s something plenty of others have had to do in their recovery.
- Pray also for Pastor Kelly’s husband Mark as he helps care for her.
- Ilah Sisson Walser asks for prayers for a family friend who is going through another bout with cancer with specialized treatments. Linda continues on her journey with more treatments at Sloan Kettering. She would appreciate your continued prayers. She has received a Prayer Shawl made by Breta so our prayers can surround her.
- Ruth Persons asks: My Aunt Gerry is having dental work done and is in a lot of pain afterward. Please pray for less pain after her treatment.
- Mark Warner seeks prayer for a good friend and longtime colleague named Louis who has been diagnosed with early-onset memory loss. He is being treated with anti-Alzheimer’s medication & must wait several weeks for a CAT scan.
- Cherrie Sanders asks for prayers for Arielle Olsen, who was baptized in August. She has bronchitis and Covid.
- Cherrie Sanders also asks for continued prayers for her friend John Hulbert who has started chemo treatments for his stage 4 cancer.
- Mary Drake asks for prayers for her Uncle Tom and the family in Indiana. He is 84 years old, and his kidneys are only functioning at 11%. He is declining dialysis due to his age. His wife Ann is suffering from dementia and doesn't understand what is going on.
- Ruth Persons asks for prayer for her friend Tina who is having major dental issues.
- Please keep Eleanor in prayer. She suffered a heart attack and had a stent put in.
- Please keep Kelly Schmidt and her family in prayer. Kelly’s grandmother is not doing well.
- Please pray for Dorothy’s friend Sharon that her doctors find the right treatments for her.
- Pat Jones would like prayers of for her sister Doris Diamond who has health issues.
- Please continue prayers for Olivia. She has been missing since June 20th.
- Pat Jones asks for prayers of comfort for Jim, a local man of ninety-three, who is in ill health.
- Carrie Adserias requests prayers for Kyle's Grandma Carleen who has been battling with spreading cancer and treatments for a while now and is suffering with complications.
- Please continue to keep Bill Haege, Marilynn Peterson, and Bob Elbertson in your prayers.
Please reach out to people who are alone during this time. A card or phone call will let them know they are not alone or forgotten.
Let’s Change the World, One Bouquet at a Time!
The Bloomin' 4 Good Program from Hannaford works to give back in our local communities. During December 2021 every $12.00 Bloomin' 4 Good Bouquet sold at the 43 Round Lake Road, Ballston Lake store sends a $1 donation to our Food Pantry. Each Bloomin’ 4 Good Bouquet must have the red circle sticker on it to get the donation.
The Bloomin' 4 Good Bouquet is a grower's choice floral bouquet. This means that the assortment of flowers within the bouquet will change. Be sure to look for the bouquet with the red circle sticker on it to be sure the purchase will support our food pantry.
Upcoming Events
December 7 - Finance Mtg. 6:30 pm
December 12 - 3rd Sunday of Advent – Joy
December 14 - Church Council 7 pm (via Zoom)
December 15 - Poinsettia names to office
December 18 - Poinsettias to church 1 pm
December 19 - 4th Sunday of Advent – Love
December 19 - Christmas Cantata 3 pm
December 21 - Blue Christmas 7 pm Round Lake
December 24 - Christmas Eve Svc. 7 pm
Dec. 25-Jan. 1 - Pastor Kelly on vacation
January 2 - Undecorating the church after service
January 9 - Communion Training after church
Christmas Gifts
Pastor Kelly appreciates the generous collection for a Christmas gift for her each year but requests that any gifts to be contributed to BACA. She is grateful for your kindness and giving.
There are lots of birthdays this week:
- Dave Edwards (12/5)
- Melody Babcock (12/6)
- Riley Sheeran (12/6)
- Mike Conley (12/7)
- Jean Keehan (12/10)
- Henry Lotto (12/10)
- Grace Lotto (12/10)
There are no anniversaries this week.
If there is a birthday or anniversary that you would like shared, please send it to the church office by email. Happy celebrations are always a blessing!
Next week in worship:
Sound George Wilson
Projection Katie Warner
Liturgist Melody Babcock
Children’s Time Linda Sheeran
Ushers Mary Drake & George Mallette
Have a blessed week