Today is Palm Sunday! Hosanna! Hosanna! Rejoice, give thanks, and sing in your heart.
Welcome Back!
We have opened our doors for in-person worship! Masks are required whenever you are not seated; seating will be at least 6 feet apart. Please enter by the south (ramp) door. You will be guided to a seat, and at the end of the service you will be dismissed via the north door by an usher. We will continue not singing as a congregation.
For anyone wishing to remain at home we will continue posting worship services on Facebook and our website.
Holy Week Services
Good news! There will be a Maundy Thursday service (April 1st) and a Good Friday service (April 2nd) at the church. Each will begin at 7 pm and will last approximately 45 minutes.
Easter Flowers
With Easter just 3 weeks away, you are invited to bring in an Easter flower of your own and put it on the altar that morning, then bring it home again. It is asked that you put your name on the bottom of the plant so it may be returned to you after the service. It’s been suggested that for any who may prefer a donation may be made to the church instead of putting a flower on the altar.
Ballston Spa UMC Special Church Conference
There will be a Special Church Conference for the Ballston Spa United Methodist Church this Monday March 29th at 7 pm via Zoom. The sole item of business to come before the body will be the revised budget and pastor's compensation package for 2021. All church members are eligible to vote. This invitation to attend will also serve as a notice of the Church Conference for March 29th.
Mark Your Calendar
We will be having a Souper Soup Supper fund-raiser on Saturday, April 10th from 4 to 7 pm. It will be strictly take-out. Hearty chicken noodle and broccoli cheese soups will be available. Soups will be available in small and large portions; for pre-orders, contact the church by phone at 518-885-6886, or by email.
We anticipate another fundraiser on May 8th and will need volunteers stepping forward for these events. Please let the church office know if you will be on the planning team or be a volunteer as soon as possible.
Giving Calendar Challenge
As we are nearing the end of Lent, some church members continue to use a giving calendar. They will bring in their coins, cash, or check to church on Easter morning or mail it to the church office. Pastor Kelly will share more about this on Easter morning as we all celebrate this Lenten experience.
11:30 a.m. Sunday Coffee Hour is on ZOOM or by Phone
Join us for a virtual coffee fellowship via Zoom (either by computer/iPad or phone). Bring your own refreshment and enjoy seeing each other via Zoom. This is the link through May at 11:30 AM Eastern Time (note the new time as of March 14):
In the Zoom app, you can use Meeting ID: 963 0143 0502 / Passcode: 956579
Or simply click here to join Zoom Meeting
You are also welcome to dial in via phone at 929-205-6099 using Meeting ID: 963 0143 0502 / Passcode: 956579
Add the invitation to your electronic calendar by clicking here.
A Note from Staff Parish Relations Committee
SPRC met with Pastor Kelly to discuss the current financial status of the church and its potential impact on staff salaries. Since staff salaries are the largest expense in our budget, our Pastor offered, and has been approved by the District Superintendent. to reduce her hours to half-time (effective April 1) to extend the period of time we have to recover from the effects of COVID. Even this action will only be a temporary solution, if we do not take further action to reduce the deficit we are experiencing each month.
Currently we are running $5,000 short each month with our estimated monthly expenses to be $9,500. We have applied again for the PPP but are not sure what amount we will get and when it would be approved and received. Since our church began meeting online as a result of COVID, giving has been down as well as our pledges.
We have a dedicated finance committee team but remain without the leadership of a finance committee chairperson, which will impede progress toward recovery. Identifying a Finance Committee Chairperson is essential at this critical time.
Reducing the Pastor to half-time will limit her hours and duties as our Pastor, resulting in our lay leadership having more responsibility of the day-to-day needs of our parish.
As the Staff Parish Relations Committee, we are sending this communication to you to alert you to our current situation, and potential staff reduction, and ask for your input, support, and suggestions.
Blessings to you all,
Joyce Garlock, 518-885-6427
Dolores Wilson, 518-885-1636
Diane Solotruck, 518-885-5280
Bob Elbertson, 518-871-9381
Riley Schmidt, 518-885-4362
Life Lessons from 6 Women in the Old Testament
We are holding a weekly Bible Study highlighting six women in the Old Testament each Wednesday from February 24 through March 31. It will be held between 7:30 and 8:30 pm via Zoom. The subject of each week’s study is below. You're welcome to join in any (or every) week! Contact the church office at 518-885-6886, or by email, to receive the link information.
March 31 - Abigail: How to Capably Deal with Difficult Men
Reading: I Samuel 25
She selflessly risked her life to save her husband Nabaal. She frequently handled tense situations with calmness and wise words.
A Special Birthday
On March 29th Bob Elbertson will be celebrating his 95th birthday. It has been his goal for several years to reach 95 and become the longest living member of his family. With his year-long health issues, this has been a challenge. Cards may be sent to him at 91 Church Avenue, Apt. 211, Ballston Spa, NY 12020.
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
This week's prayer concerns:
Church Council Update
We have received word from John Sheeran that the PPP2 loan has been approved in the most recent round of stimulus support. We approved John to be our church's agent in applying for the loan back in January. The funds of $13,620.75 have been deposited and will have to be spent in accordance with the Federal regulations on eligible expenses (primarily salary based expenses) before 8/26/2021 to qualify for the forgiveness on the loan to become a grant.
I want to express our appreciation for all of the work and time John put into this process. Thank you, John!
This is another piece of the overall financial picture for our church. We continue to endeavor to provide the wisest stewardship we can to secure the future for our church and its ministry here and outreach beyond our doors. We appreciate everyone's part in supporting our church and its mission.
-Ilah Sisson Walser, Chairperson, BSUMC Church Council
Finance Team Reports
The Finance Team reports that our financial receipts for February were approximately $6,300. Our expenses were $10,500. This month we did have a significant cost for snow removal, $2,000.
Memorials Committee
The Memorials Committee is seeking an additional member. It’s a three-person committee currently consisting of Diane Solotruck and Estella Simmons. If you would be willing to be a part of this committee, please let Pastor Kelly know as soon as possible, or contact the office at 885-6886 or by email.
Thank You from Cathy and Jerry King
A sincere thank you to my church family for the beautiful cards and notes of support and encouragement we received after my mother passed. We are so grateful for the light you brought to some dark days.
Fair Trade
Panama Extra Dark, Orange, Sea Salt with Almonds, and Caramel Crunch with Sea Salt varieties of Fair Trade chocolate are available for purchase (Sea Salt w/Almonds are $3.50, the others are $3.00). Organic Regular Coffee, Decaf Coffee, and various organic teas are also available. Please contact Stan Lockwood at 518.885.1552 or [email protected] to arrange for delivery or pick-up.
A Directory is Being Planned
There will be a directory coming out soon but there are people whose pictures are missing. Emails will be sent to those people. If you would like a newer picture than what was taken three years ago, please feel free to send it in. You can email your picture to the office at [email protected] for inclusion.
Musical Offerings
Do you sing or play an instrument? Would you be willing to provide some music for our Sunday Services?
If so, please contact Cathy King at [email protected] or 518-538-4523. She will be happy to work with you and schedule a date for your musical offering to be included in a worship service.
We have many birthdays to celebrate!
If there is a birthday or anniversary that you would like shared, please send it to the church office by email. Happy celebrations are always a blessing!
Have a blessed week
Welcome Back!
We have opened our doors for in-person worship! Masks are required whenever you are not seated; seating will be at least 6 feet apart. Please enter by the south (ramp) door. You will be guided to a seat, and at the end of the service you will be dismissed via the north door by an usher. We will continue not singing as a congregation.
For anyone wishing to remain at home we will continue posting worship services on Facebook and our website.
Holy Week Services
Good news! There will be a Maundy Thursday service (April 1st) and a Good Friday service (April 2nd) at the church. Each will begin at 7 pm and will last approximately 45 minutes.
Easter Flowers
With Easter just 3 weeks away, you are invited to bring in an Easter flower of your own and put it on the altar that morning, then bring it home again. It is asked that you put your name on the bottom of the plant so it may be returned to you after the service. It’s been suggested that for any who may prefer a donation may be made to the church instead of putting a flower on the altar.
Ballston Spa UMC Special Church Conference
There will be a Special Church Conference for the Ballston Spa United Methodist Church this Monday March 29th at 7 pm via Zoom. The sole item of business to come before the body will be the revised budget and pastor's compensation package for 2021. All church members are eligible to vote. This invitation to attend will also serve as a notice of the Church Conference for March 29th.
- Time: Mar 29, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time
- Click here to join the Zoom meeting
- Or join by phone at 1 929 205 6099
- Meeting ID: 943 3259 4849
- Passcode: 088351
Mark Your Calendar
We will be having a Souper Soup Supper fund-raiser on Saturday, April 10th from 4 to 7 pm. It will be strictly take-out. Hearty chicken noodle and broccoli cheese soups will be available. Soups will be available in small and large portions; for pre-orders, contact the church by phone at 518-885-6886, or by email.
We anticipate another fundraiser on May 8th and will need volunteers stepping forward for these events. Please let the church office know if you will be on the planning team or be a volunteer as soon as possible.
Giving Calendar Challenge
As we are nearing the end of Lent, some church members continue to use a giving calendar. They will bring in their coins, cash, or check to church on Easter morning or mail it to the church office. Pastor Kelly will share more about this on Easter morning as we all celebrate this Lenten experience.
11:30 a.m. Sunday Coffee Hour is on ZOOM or by Phone
Join us for a virtual coffee fellowship via Zoom (either by computer/iPad or phone). Bring your own refreshment and enjoy seeing each other via Zoom. This is the link through May at 11:30 AM Eastern Time (note the new time as of March 14):
In the Zoom app, you can use Meeting ID: 963 0143 0502 / Passcode: 956579
Or simply click here to join Zoom Meeting
You are also welcome to dial in via phone at 929-205-6099 using Meeting ID: 963 0143 0502 / Passcode: 956579
Add the invitation to your electronic calendar by clicking here.
A Note from Staff Parish Relations Committee
SPRC met with Pastor Kelly to discuss the current financial status of the church and its potential impact on staff salaries. Since staff salaries are the largest expense in our budget, our Pastor offered, and has been approved by the District Superintendent. to reduce her hours to half-time (effective April 1) to extend the period of time we have to recover from the effects of COVID. Even this action will only be a temporary solution, if we do not take further action to reduce the deficit we are experiencing each month.
Currently we are running $5,000 short each month with our estimated monthly expenses to be $9,500. We have applied again for the PPP but are not sure what amount we will get and when it would be approved and received. Since our church began meeting online as a result of COVID, giving has been down as well as our pledges.
We have a dedicated finance committee team but remain without the leadership of a finance committee chairperson, which will impede progress toward recovery. Identifying a Finance Committee Chairperson is essential at this critical time.
Reducing the Pastor to half-time will limit her hours and duties as our Pastor, resulting in our lay leadership having more responsibility of the day-to-day needs of our parish.
As the Staff Parish Relations Committee, we are sending this communication to you to alert you to our current situation, and potential staff reduction, and ask for your input, support, and suggestions.
Blessings to you all,
Joyce Garlock, 518-885-6427
Dolores Wilson, 518-885-1636
Diane Solotruck, 518-885-5280
Bob Elbertson, 518-871-9381
Riley Schmidt, 518-885-4362
Life Lessons from 6 Women in the Old Testament
We are holding a weekly Bible Study highlighting six women in the Old Testament each Wednesday from February 24 through March 31. It will be held between 7:30 and 8:30 pm via Zoom. The subject of each week’s study is below. You're welcome to join in any (or every) week! Contact the church office at 518-885-6886, or by email, to receive the link information.
March 31 - Abigail: How to Capably Deal with Difficult Men
Reading: I Samuel 25
She selflessly risked her life to save her husband Nabaal. She frequently handled tense situations with calmness and wise words.
A Special Birthday
On March 29th Bob Elbertson will be celebrating his 95th birthday. It has been his goal for several years to reach 95 and become the longest living member of his family. With his year-long health issues, this has been a challenge. Cards may be sent to him at 91 Church Avenue, Apt. 211, Ballston Spa, NY 12020.
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
This week's prayer concerns:
- Prayers for our church as we transition into a new phase.
- Ilah asks for prayers for Garner who was born 9 weeks early and weighed in at just over 3 pounds. He is the great grandson of a high school friend who says Garner is a fighter. So we pray for his continued gains and hold on life.
- Melody Babcock asks for prayers for 3 year old Kinsley who is at Albany Medical getting blood transfusions because her blood count is very low. Pray that her doctors will soon make a diagnosis and be able to treat her.
- Ilah sends this message: Some time ago I had requested prayers for a friend Sue undergoing some serious health challenges. We received word that she is indeed recovering. As her husband stated, "it is a miracle." This has taken many months. Many times we don't hear the good reports and I wanted all of you to know how important your prayers are to many people, this one in particular is very thankful.
- Pat Jones asks for prayers for Russ, a family friend in his 80s with cancer.
- Prayers for Lou and Joyce Cook. The family has been told Joyce will need Hospice care. Please send cards to Lou at his home at 53 Margaret Drive in Ballston Spa. It brings Joyce much joy when Lou shares them with her.
- Prayers for Bill Haege's health and adjustment to using his wheelchair. And please pray for Katie, his caregiver, who is struggling with her grandmother's death.
- Please pray for Amy in her early pregnancy.
- Continued prayers for Gary Persons as he continues to improve.
- Melissa Taylor is praising God for helping her through her recent treatments. She greatly appreciates our prayers and support.
- Keep Bob Elbertson in your prayers.
- Ilah Sisson Walser asks: Heartfelt concern and prayers for those suffering from COVID 19 and their families. Give people strength to continue to safeguard against exposure and contacting the virus.
Church Council Update
We have received word from John Sheeran that the PPP2 loan has been approved in the most recent round of stimulus support. We approved John to be our church's agent in applying for the loan back in January. The funds of $13,620.75 have been deposited and will have to be spent in accordance with the Federal regulations on eligible expenses (primarily salary based expenses) before 8/26/2021 to qualify for the forgiveness on the loan to become a grant.
I want to express our appreciation for all of the work and time John put into this process. Thank you, John!
This is another piece of the overall financial picture for our church. We continue to endeavor to provide the wisest stewardship we can to secure the future for our church and its ministry here and outreach beyond our doors. We appreciate everyone's part in supporting our church and its mission.
-Ilah Sisson Walser, Chairperson, BSUMC Church Council
Finance Team Reports
The Finance Team reports that our financial receipts for February were approximately $6,300. Our expenses were $10,500. This month we did have a significant cost for snow removal, $2,000.
Memorials Committee
The Memorials Committee is seeking an additional member. It’s a three-person committee currently consisting of Diane Solotruck and Estella Simmons. If you would be willing to be a part of this committee, please let Pastor Kelly know as soon as possible, or contact the office at 885-6886 or by email.
Thank You from Cathy and Jerry King
A sincere thank you to my church family for the beautiful cards and notes of support and encouragement we received after my mother passed. We are so grateful for the light you brought to some dark days.
Fair Trade
Panama Extra Dark, Orange, Sea Salt with Almonds, and Caramel Crunch with Sea Salt varieties of Fair Trade chocolate are available for purchase (Sea Salt w/Almonds are $3.50, the others are $3.00). Organic Regular Coffee, Decaf Coffee, and various organic teas are also available. Please contact Stan Lockwood at 518.885.1552 or [email protected] to arrange for delivery or pick-up.
A Directory is Being Planned
There will be a directory coming out soon but there are people whose pictures are missing. Emails will be sent to those people. If you would like a newer picture than what was taken three years ago, please feel free to send it in. You can email your picture to the office at [email protected] for inclusion.
Musical Offerings
Do you sing or play an instrument? Would you be willing to provide some music for our Sunday Services?
If so, please contact Cathy King at [email protected] or 518-538-4523. She will be happy to work with you and schedule a date for your musical offering to be included in a worship service.
We have many birthdays to celebrate!
- Gayle Lawrence (3/28)
- Bob Elbertson (3/29)
- Donna Conley, Dick Traver, Brennan Coffey (3/30)
- Bob Lawrence (4/1)
- Tara Jones, Ruth Ann Caswell, Daniel Sansone (4/3)
If there is a birthday or anniversary that you would like shared, please send it to the church office by email. Happy celebrations are always a blessing!
Have a blessed week