If you are receiving your Ministry Matters by mail and can access it by email or the website, please let the office know. We are trying to cut expenses and stamps are increasing in price…again!
Important Announcement
We celebrate the growing number of those who worship with us online and in person. Be sure to offer a warm welcome to our newer visitors. Weekly coffee hour will be held in the Connections Café or outside when the weather is warmer. Coloring sheets for children, offering envelopes, and mission baskets are located near both entrances to the church. We ask that you maintain social distancing to keep everyone safe. Masking when entering or exiting is encouraged. Covid rates have risen lately.
Church Building Restoration Fund
The work on the restoration project is scheduled to begin this week. The recent unexpected plumbing work made your help more important than ever! Check out our giving thermometer in the sanctuary to see our progress toward paying for the upcoming church repairs. We still need $30,715. You can give online by clicking here (use the pull down menu to give to the Restoration Fund) OR give with cash or check through the weekly offering. Please clearly identify that the money is to be used for the Church Building Restoration Fund. Thank you for your support.
Memorial Day Parade Bake Sale
Thanks to all who donated (or ate)! We brought in $82 during the parade, with more coming in on Sunday morning when we offered leftovers to the congregation. We appreciate all of you who contributed a variety of delicious treats.
Pentecost Sunday is June 5
The Christian holiday of Pentecost is celebrated on the 50th day (the seventh Sunday) from Easter Sunday. Jesus promised in the gospel narratives during his earthly ministry that he would leave, but that he would send the comforter - he would send the Holy Spirit. And it was at the moment of Pentecost when the Spirit came to he empowered the early believers.
Sunday School for Spring
The final day of Sunday School for the spring session will be on June 5. It promises to be a good time.
Bishop's Regional Laity Gatherings Cancelled
There was a series of regional gatherings scheduled around Upper New York Conference for the Bishop to meet with laypeople, including June 8 at McKownville. The gatherings have been canceled due to the recent spike in COVID rates.
Peace with Justice Sunday June 12
Peace with Justice is a faithful expression of shalom in the Bible. It calls the church to strengthen its capacity to advocate publicly in communities and nations throughout the world. It aims to make shalom visible and active in people's lives and communities by setting people free from bondage. We will celebrate Peace with Justice as witnesses to God's demand for a faithful, just, disarmed and secure world. The offering benefits peace with justice ministries in the Annual Conferences and around the world.
Exciting News! Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag Program
We are so excited to share that our Food Pantry has been selected to be a part of the Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag Program, which is designed to make it easy for customers to contribute to their local community while supporting the environment.
For the month of June, each time a $2.50 reusable Fight Hunger Bag is purchased at the Hannaford located at 11 Trieble Avenue, Ballston Spa NY, $1 will be donated to Ballston Spa United Methodist Church Food Pantry. Shoppers can also support our organization by purchasing a reusable Fight Hunger Bag online via Hannaford-To-Go. This is a great way to raise awareness, support the environment and fundraise for our cause.
Let’s get started! We can begin by spreading the news to our friends and family. Call, send emails, and post on social media. The more people who learn about the program and purchase the Fight Hunger Bag during the month of June, the more money we will raise.
To learn more about this program, please visit hannaford.bags4mycause.com.
Pill Bottle Collection
We will again collect empty prescription bottles for reuse through the ministry called Matthew 25 out in Ohio. The labels need to be removed, the bottles washed out and dried, and packed into large zip-lock bags. There will be a box for the collection at church - keep watch for it.
Pop Your Top for Ronald McDonald
Don’t forget to save the pull-tabs from cans for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. RMHC serves millions of families each year through Ronald McDonald House programs for families who travel far from home for care, Family Room Projects providing comfort while in the hospital and Mobile Programs bringing health care resources to underserved communities where they’re needed most. It’s a no-cost mission. There is a container in the Connections Café for the tabs.
Layettes for the Four Corners Native American Ministry
A thank you note has been received from Four Corners Native American Ministry:
"Dear Ilah and friends,
Thank you so much for the layette sets. We were so happy when the blankets arrived and now the rest has arrived, and we can arrange it into one set to give out.
We truly appreciate your generosity. The new sets will help us welcome new babies into this world. Once again, we are touching lives and making a difference.
Blessings upon you all always. Rev. Tweedy Navarrete, Executive Director"
We have sent the initial shipments of blankets and hats from here and have had the sleepers drop shipped via Amazon directly to New Mexico. More to follow. Thank you to all who have donated so far. We welcome anyone to join in this mission project by making a contribution via the church, labeled clearly as donation for the Layette Ministry. If you are making items, they can be left in the white basket in the Connections Cafe. Thank you.
- Ilah Sisson Walser
Regional Food Bank
On June 19th, Father’s Day, we will be going to the Northeast Regional Food Bank in Colonie following our church service. Volunteers under age 12 must be accompanied by an adult. We sort and re-box items to be distributed to various agencies, including our own Food Pantry. We have a lot of fun, and usually stop for ice cream on our way back. Please contact Linda Sheeran at [email protected], or 518-885-1729.
Fair Trade
How is your sweet tooth? Looking for chocolate? There’s only a few left! We still have some Panama Extra Dark, Orange and Caramel Crunch with Sea Salt on hand. We also still have Breakfast Blend and Hazelnut Coffee, Decaf Coffee, tea and hot cocoa for sale. Just call or email Stan Lockwood (518.885.1552 0r [email protected]) . Thank you to those who support this ministry at BSUMC.
Did You Know?
Our services are posted to Facebook and on our website. If you Like it on Facebook and share it, it will reach many more people than if it is just on our Facebook page. You can also direct anyone to the Recent Posts page of this site (https://www.ballstonspaumchurch.org/recent-posts), which is where the service is posted weekly. This would be spreading the Word of God, as we are told to do in the Bible.
Sunday Coffee Hour is on ZOOM or by Phone
Join us for the 9:00 am Sunday Coffee Fellowship on Zoom. Please meet by computer or phone by connecting with the following information:
In the Zoom app or by phone at 929-205-6099, you can use Meeting ID: 963 0143 0502 / Passcode: 956579. Or simply click here to join Zoom Meeting.
Thrift Shop and Food Pantry
The Thrift Shop is open Tuesdays from 9:30 till noon; the Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays, also from 9:30 till noon.
Thank you to the people who donate their time and effort to make all of these offerings possible. There are many clients and they appreciate your help.
Skye Farm Summer Camp
Yay! Camp is back and registration is open! Fun activities for kids ages 3 - 18 are awaiting! Traditional activities like water fun, arts & crafts, games, and hiking as well as ice cream for breakfast, star gazing, and slime! Check out all the possibilities at skyefarmcamp.org. There is a 40% sibling discount, plus BSUMC camperships are available for our members. You do not have to attend a Methodist church in order to go to camp, so tell your friends. Questions? Contact Linda Sheeran at 518-885-1729 or [email protected].
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
This week's prayer concerns:
Please reach out to people who are alone during this time. A card or phone call will let them know they are not alone or forgotten.
Supporting the humanitarian response in Ukraine
The General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church is deeply troubled by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the ominous implications it has for escalating tensions between Russia and Western nations. They join many Christian leaders and organizations worldwide in deploring the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, and they ardently pray for a redirection of military action toward diplomatic measures to resolve grievances.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), the humanitarian relief arm of Global Ministries, is in communication with partners in the region and actively exploring the coordination of humanitarian response in Ukraine. You can support UMCOR’s international disaster response efforts by writing a check with either Advance#982450/Ukraine or UMCOR/Ukraine written in the memo line, or by visiting UMCOR's disaster response webpage.
Other giving opportunities in response to the war in Ukraine
Individuals can give directly to the Ukrainian people through local church offerings by writing a check with Advance #14053A in the memo line of the checks. These checks can be placed in an offering plate. The Ukraine UMC has created a crisis committee that will oversee all the global support that is coming in through UMCOR’s Advance #14053A “Eurasia In Mission Together - Ukraine and Moldova.” The money channeled through this Advance fund will go to the Ukraine UMC church account and decisions on how this will be used will be considered by the crisis committee, which includes pastors as well as lay leaders.
UMCOR also offers other opportunities for more specific giving to Ukrainian refugees in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. You can designate giving by stating it is for "Ukrainian Refugee support" to the following Advance numbers.
Purchase Hoffman Car Wash Tickets to Help Ukraine
The Helping Hands/Hoffman car wash site is active if you would like to purchase car wash tickets! BSUMC + Hoffman Car Wash + UMCOR Ukraine. Buy car wash tickets and our church receives 50% of the sale!! 100% of the money BSUMC receives will go to UMCOR Ukraine. WIN - WIN!!! Clean Car and money to help the people of Ukraine. These car wash tickets never expire!! Purchase for teachers, babysitters, newspaper deliverers, gifts, etc.
Click here to purchase on-line and print out your car wash coupons immediately. Make sure the UPC code is showing BEFORE printing.
Upcoming Events
June 5 - Pentecost / Sunday School
June 12 - Peace with Justice Sunday
June 14 - Church Council, 7 pm (via Zoom)
June 19 - Father’s Day / Regional Food Bank trip, after church
July 16 - Church Rummage Sale
Several birthdays to celebrate this week:
Next week in worship:
Sound Riley Schmidt
Projection AJ Schmidt
Liturgist Danielle Coffey
Children’s Time Jason Behnke
Ushers Melody Babcock & Conrad Dorau
Music Cathy King
Coffee Hour Ann Marie Williams & Danielle Coffey
If you would like to volunteer to help with Sunday services, please contact Ruth Persons after church.
Community News
Second-Hand Blessings
Simpson UMC, located at 1089 Rock City Rd. in Rock City Falls, is having a "2nd Hand Blessings Flea Market" on Saturday, June 11, from 9 AM to 3 PM. Tables will be outside weather permitting, assorted items, no clothing.
Sight & Sound Theater trip
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is sponsoring a trip to Lancaster, PA to see “David” live on stage July 27-28. For more information, please check out the flyer on the bulletin board in the hall.
Gateway House of Peace
The Gateway House of Peace is having fundraisers. On June 10-12 they will be holding their annual community yard sale. Donations accepted starting June 6. For more information, go to GatewayHouseOfPeace.org or call (518) 450-1273.
One Fine Day Luncheon
Shelters of Saratoga will be having “One Fine Day” Annual Luncheon on June 7 from 1 to 4 pm at Prime at Saratoga National. Single reservations are $125 and include live entertainment, buffet lunch, silent auction and cash bar. To purchase tickets - [email protected] or (518) 581-1097. Thank you for supporting a path to independence for our neighbors facing homelessness.
Have a blessed week
Important Announcement
We celebrate the growing number of those who worship with us online and in person. Be sure to offer a warm welcome to our newer visitors. Weekly coffee hour will be held in the Connections Café or outside when the weather is warmer. Coloring sheets for children, offering envelopes, and mission baskets are located near both entrances to the church. We ask that you maintain social distancing to keep everyone safe. Masking when entering or exiting is encouraged. Covid rates have risen lately.
Church Building Restoration Fund
The work on the restoration project is scheduled to begin this week. The recent unexpected plumbing work made your help more important than ever! Check out our giving thermometer in the sanctuary to see our progress toward paying for the upcoming church repairs. We still need $30,715. You can give online by clicking here (use the pull down menu to give to the Restoration Fund) OR give with cash or check through the weekly offering. Please clearly identify that the money is to be used for the Church Building Restoration Fund. Thank you for your support.
Memorial Day Parade Bake Sale
Thanks to all who donated (or ate)! We brought in $82 during the parade, with more coming in on Sunday morning when we offered leftovers to the congregation. We appreciate all of you who contributed a variety of delicious treats.
Pentecost Sunday is June 5
The Christian holiday of Pentecost is celebrated on the 50th day (the seventh Sunday) from Easter Sunday. Jesus promised in the gospel narratives during his earthly ministry that he would leave, but that he would send the comforter - he would send the Holy Spirit. And it was at the moment of Pentecost when the Spirit came to he empowered the early believers.
Sunday School for Spring
The final day of Sunday School for the spring session will be on June 5. It promises to be a good time.
Bishop's Regional Laity Gatherings Cancelled
There was a series of regional gatherings scheduled around Upper New York Conference for the Bishop to meet with laypeople, including June 8 at McKownville. The gatherings have been canceled due to the recent spike in COVID rates.
Peace with Justice Sunday June 12
Peace with Justice is a faithful expression of shalom in the Bible. It calls the church to strengthen its capacity to advocate publicly in communities and nations throughout the world. It aims to make shalom visible and active in people's lives and communities by setting people free from bondage. We will celebrate Peace with Justice as witnesses to God's demand for a faithful, just, disarmed and secure world. The offering benefits peace with justice ministries in the Annual Conferences and around the world.
Exciting News! Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag Program
We are so excited to share that our Food Pantry has been selected to be a part of the Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag Program, which is designed to make it easy for customers to contribute to their local community while supporting the environment.
For the month of June, each time a $2.50 reusable Fight Hunger Bag is purchased at the Hannaford located at 11 Trieble Avenue, Ballston Spa NY, $1 will be donated to Ballston Spa United Methodist Church Food Pantry. Shoppers can also support our organization by purchasing a reusable Fight Hunger Bag online via Hannaford-To-Go. This is a great way to raise awareness, support the environment and fundraise for our cause.
Let’s get started! We can begin by spreading the news to our friends and family. Call, send emails, and post on social media. The more people who learn about the program and purchase the Fight Hunger Bag during the month of June, the more money we will raise.
To learn more about this program, please visit hannaford.bags4mycause.com.
Pill Bottle Collection
We will again collect empty prescription bottles for reuse through the ministry called Matthew 25 out in Ohio. The labels need to be removed, the bottles washed out and dried, and packed into large zip-lock bags. There will be a box for the collection at church - keep watch for it.
Pop Your Top for Ronald McDonald
Don’t forget to save the pull-tabs from cans for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. RMHC serves millions of families each year through Ronald McDonald House programs for families who travel far from home for care, Family Room Projects providing comfort while in the hospital and Mobile Programs bringing health care resources to underserved communities where they’re needed most. It’s a no-cost mission. There is a container in the Connections Café for the tabs.
Layettes for the Four Corners Native American Ministry
A thank you note has been received from Four Corners Native American Ministry:
"Dear Ilah and friends,
Thank you so much for the layette sets. We were so happy when the blankets arrived and now the rest has arrived, and we can arrange it into one set to give out.
We truly appreciate your generosity. The new sets will help us welcome new babies into this world. Once again, we are touching lives and making a difference.
Blessings upon you all always. Rev. Tweedy Navarrete, Executive Director"
We have sent the initial shipments of blankets and hats from here and have had the sleepers drop shipped via Amazon directly to New Mexico. More to follow. Thank you to all who have donated so far. We welcome anyone to join in this mission project by making a contribution via the church, labeled clearly as donation for the Layette Ministry. If you are making items, they can be left in the white basket in the Connections Cafe. Thank you.
- Ilah Sisson Walser
Regional Food Bank
On June 19th, Father’s Day, we will be going to the Northeast Regional Food Bank in Colonie following our church service. Volunteers under age 12 must be accompanied by an adult. We sort and re-box items to be distributed to various agencies, including our own Food Pantry. We have a lot of fun, and usually stop for ice cream on our way back. Please contact Linda Sheeran at [email protected], or 518-885-1729.
Fair Trade
How is your sweet tooth? Looking for chocolate? There’s only a few left! We still have some Panama Extra Dark, Orange and Caramel Crunch with Sea Salt on hand. We also still have Breakfast Blend and Hazelnut Coffee, Decaf Coffee, tea and hot cocoa for sale. Just call or email Stan Lockwood (518.885.1552 0r [email protected]) . Thank you to those who support this ministry at BSUMC.
Did You Know?
Our services are posted to Facebook and on our website. If you Like it on Facebook and share it, it will reach many more people than if it is just on our Facebook page. You can also direct anyone to the Recent Posts page of this site (https://www.ballstonspaumchurch.org/recent-posts), which is where the service is posted weekly. This would be spreading the Word of God, as we are told to do in the Bible.
Sunday Coffee Hour is on ZOOM or by Phone
Join us for the 9:00 am Sunday Coffee Fellowship on Zoom. Please meet by computer or phone by connecting with the following information:
In the Zoom app or by phone at 929-205-6099, you can use Meeting ID: 963 0143 0502 / Passcode: 956579. Or simply click here to join Zoom Meeting.
Thrift Shop and Food Pantry
The Thrift Shop is open Tuesdays from 9:30 till noon; the Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays, also from 9:30 till noon.
Thank you to the people who donate their time and effort to make all of these offerings possible. There are many clients and they appreciate your help.
Skye Farm Summer Camp
Yay! Camp is back and registration is open! Fun activities for kids ages 3 - 18 are awaiting! Traditional activities like water fun, arts & crafts, games, and hiking as well as ice cream for breakfast, star gazing, and slime! Check out all the possibilities at skyefarmcamp.org. There is a 40% sibling discount, plus BSUMC camperships are available for our members. You do not have to attend a Methodist church in order to go to camp, so tell your friends. Questions? Contact Linda Sheeran at 518-885-1729 or [email protected].
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
This week's prayer concerns:
- Mary Drake asks for prayers for Bob Elbertson who has fallen and is in the hospital.
- Helen Senecal asks for prayers for her grandson Blake who has Lyme disease.
- Terri Knowlton asks for prayers for Dan & Alvah Fryer (Tim’s parents). Dan is a sarcoma survivor, and on his most recent follow-up visit, his doctor found a mass near his aorta. He will be going for a biopsy soon.
- Please pray for Eugene S. the father of my co-worker Teresa. He has pneumonia and a severe blockage in his heart. He needs to be able to breathe on his own before they consider doing open heart surgery. He is currently in ICU. Ruth Persons
- Please keep Tina in your prayers as she is having side effects from the treatment she received and cannot have another one until July. Tina has two different eye conditions. Ruth Persons
- Mary Drake asks for prayers for the family of Connie Welch who lost her battle to cancer.
- Claire Williams asks for prayers for Paul Noble who has cancer.
- Cathy King asks for continued prayers for her sister-in-law, Linda. She is better and home from the hospital but has a long recovery.
- Please continue to keep Bill Haege, Marilynn Peterson, and Pat Jones in your prayers.
Please reach out to people who are alone during this time. A card or phone call will let them know they are not alone or forgotten.
Supporting the humanitarian response in Ukraine
The General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church is deeply troubled by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the ominous implications it has for escalating tensions between Russia and Western nations. They join many Christian leaders and organizations worldwide in deploring the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, and they ardently pray for a redirection of military action toward diplomatic measures to resolve grievances.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), the humanitarian relief arm of Global Ministries, is in communication with partners in the region and actively exploring the coordination of humanitarian response in Ukraine. You can support UMCOR’s international disaster response efforts by writing a check with either Advance#982450/Ukraine or UMCOR/Ukraine written in the memo line, or by visiting UMCOR's disaster response webpage.
Other giving opportunities in response to the war in Ukraine
Individuals can give directly to the Ukrainian people through local church offerings by writing a check with Advance #14053A in the memo line of the checks. These checks can be placed in an offering plate. The Ukraine UMC has created a crisis committee that will oversee all the global support that is coming in through UMCOR’s Advance #14053A “Eurasia In Mission Together - Ukraine and Moldova.” The money channeled through this Advance fund will go to the Ukraine UMC church account and decisions on how this will be used will be considered by the crisis committee, which includes pastors as well as lay leaders.
UMCOR also offers other opportunities for more specific giving to Ukrainian refugees in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. You can designate giving by stating it is for "Ukrainian Refugee support" to the following Advance numbers.
- Hungary In Mission Together (Advance # 00175A)
- Poland In Mission Together (Advance # 00408A)
- Romania In Mission Together (Advance #00211A)
- Slovakia In Mission Together (Advance # 00236A)
Purchase Hoffman Car Wash Tickets to Help Ukraine
The Helping Hands/Hoffman car wash site is active if you would like to purchase car wash tickets! BSUMC + Hoffman Car Wash + UMCOR Ukraine. Buy car wash tickets and our church receives 50% of the sale!! 100% of the money BSUMC receives will go to UMCOR Ukraine. WIN - WIN!!! Clean Car and money to help the people of Ukraine. These car wash tickets never expire!! Purchase for teachers, babysitters, newspaper deliverers, gifts, etc.
Click here to purchase on-line and print out your car wash coupons immediately. Make sure the UPC code is showing BEFORE printing.
- Exterior only: $13 - Your vehicle enters a modern car wash bay where it receives a soft-cloth wash followed by touch-free air drying.
- Full Service Car wash: $43 - Your vehicle first receives an Exterior Car Wash. Car care attendants then vacuum the carpets, seats and ashtrays and wipe the interior windows, dashboard and doorjambs. Finally, they add an air freshener of your choice, and the exterior of your vehicle is hand dried.
- 1672 Route 9, Clifton Park
- 1757 Central Avenue, Colonie
- 753 New Loudon Road, Latham
Upcoming Events
June 5 - Pentecost / Sunday School
June 12 - Peace with Justice Sunday
June 14 - Church Council, 7 pm (via Zoom)
June 19 - Father’s Day / Regional Food Bank trip, after church
July 16 - Church Rummage Sale
Several birthdays to celebrate this week:
- Lance Evans (5/30)
- Mason Caswell (6/2)
- Ben Taylor (6/2)
- Karen Parliapiano (6/3)
- Joyce Garlock (6/4)
Next week in worship:
Sound Riley Schmidt
Projection AJ Schmidt
Liturgist Danielle Coffey
Children’s Time Jason Behnke
Ushers Melody Babcock & Conrad Dorau
Music Cathy King
Coffee Hour Ann Marie Williams & Danielle Coffey
If you would like to volunteer to help with Sunday services, please contact Ruth Persons after church.
Community News
Second-Hand Blessings
Simpson UMC, located at 1089 Rock City Rd. in Rock City Falls, is having a "2nd Hand Blessings Flea Market" on Saturday, June 11, from 9 AM to 3 PM. Tables will be outside weather permitting, assorted items, no clothing.
Sight & Sound Theater trip
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is sponsoring a trip to Lancaster, PA to see “David” live on stage July 27-28. For more information, please check out the flyer on the bulletin board in the hall.
Gateway House of Peace
The Gateway House of Peace is having fundraisers. On June 10-12 they will be holding their annual community yard sale. Donations accepted starting June 6. For more information, go to GatewayHouseOfPeace.org or call (518) 450-1273.
One Fine Day Luncheon
Shelters of Saratoga will be having “One Fine Day” Annual Luncheon on June 7 from 1 to 4 pm at Prime at Saratoga National. Single reservations are $125 and include live entertainment, buffet lunch, silent auction and cash bar. To purchase tickets - [email protected] or (518) 581-1097. Thank you for supporting a path to independence for our neighbors facing homelessness.
Have a blessed week