Welcome Back!
Our doors are open for in-person worship! Masks are required at all times while in the building; seating will be at least 6 feet apart. Please enter by the south (ramp) door. You will be guided to a seat, and at the end of the service you will be dismissed via the north door by an usher. We will continue not singing as a congregation.
For anyone wishing to remain at home we will continue posting worship services on Facebook and our website.
Sunday Fellowship After Church
Lemonade on the Lawn is now being offered for fellowship after church. Please join us!
11:30 a.m. Sunday Coffee Hour is on ZOOM or by Phone
Join us for a virtual coffee fellowship via Zoom (either by computer/iPad or phone). Bring your own refreshment and enjoy seeing each other via Zoom. This is the link through May at 11:30 AM Eastern Time:
In the Zoom app, you can use Meeting ID: 963 0143 0502 / Passcode: 956579
Or simply click here to join Zoom Meeting
You are also welcome to dial in via phone at 929-205-6099 using Meeting ID: 963 0143 0502 / Passcode: 956579
Add the invitation to your electronic calendar by clicking here.
Peace with Justice Sunday
This week is Peace with Justice Sunday. Please don’t forget this important giving opportunity – half of all money donated in our Conference stays right here to support the ministries we are starting!
When you give on Peace with Justice Sunday, your gift makes possible our critical kingdom work in the world. Because you give:
- Methodists spearhead a peace ministry uniting Arizona border communities.
- United Methodists in Liberia are being equipped to implement the denomination’s Social Principles to address social-justice issue.
- Pennsylvania students are educating their community about sex-trafficking at home and abroad.
Upcoming Events
- Memorial Day - May 31st
- Kathy Haege Memorial - May 31st
- Finance Meeting - June 1st, 6:30 pm
- Prayer Shawl Meeting - June 1st, 7 pm via Zoom
- Church Council Meeting - June 8th, 7 pm via Zoom
- Trustee Meeting - June 16th, 6:30 pm at church
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
This week's prayer concerns:
- Please hold Marilynn Peterson in your prayers. She has been at Saratoga Hospital in recent days undergoing testing. She is receiving one visit per day from her family and reports being well cared for by the hospital staff. If you wish to send her a card, please send it to her residence at Wesley. She very much appreciates our prayers.
- Please continue to pray for Lou Cook and for his wife Joyce. Joyce remains at Wesley under hospice care. Lou is doing his rehab at Wesley. They both are appreciating the cards being sent to them and thank everyone for their continuing prayers. Cards may be sent to their home and family members will share them with Lou and Joyce.
- We thank God for the beautiful baby Levi Scott O’Connor who was born to Katie (Sheeran) and Kyle O’Connor on May 12th. Levi has a big brother Aiden.
- Sue Cramer thanks God for the answered prayers for her granddaughter Megan who had a successful heart catheterization. Megan returned to work on Monday.
- Ilah gives this update: Garner is a fighter and is improving each day. He is up to six pounds. He is still undergoing complex eating and breathing coordination. They are hopeful he will be home soon. His great grandmother and I went to school together (from kindergarten to graduating high school). She has expressed hers and her family's gratitude for the prayers on Garner's and their behalf.
- Pat Jones asks for prayers for Russ, a family friend in his 80s with cancer.
- Prayers for Bill Haege’s health and adjustment to using his wheelchair. And prayers for Katie, his caregiver, who is struggling with her grandmother's death.
- Please pray for Amy in her early pregnancy.
- Melissa Taylor is praising God for helping her through her treatments and appreciates our prayers.
- Keep Bob Elbertson in your prayers.
- Ilah Sisson Walser asks: Heartfelt concern and prayers for those suffering from COVID 19 and their families. Give people strength to continue to safeguard against exposure and contacting the virus.
Please reach out to people who are alone during this time. A card or phone call will let them know they are not alone or forgotten.
UNY Mission Central HUB seeks donations
The UNY Mission Central HUB thanks all for the support they receive from our churches in supplying disaster relief kits. Due to the pandemic, donations have been low. The storm season is coming up, and there is a great need to restock supplies.
More than ever before, the UNY Mission Central HUB needs financial contributions in order to continue its operations. The funding of the HUB is made possible solely by donations. To donate, your check may be written out to UNYAC with fund number #951 in the memo line.
Prayer Shawls
Prayer shawls are still being made by my sister and myself. We are hopeful to send a bag of six to the Rock City Falls UMC this week when one of their members stops by. During this time of pandemic and shutdown, we have distributed some virtual prayer shawls by notecard or email. It comes with a suggestion to have the card visible to be able to see the symbolic prayer shawl and know that the prayers are surrounding the person. Do you have a need for a prayer shawl? Contact me for information.
- Ilah Sisson Walser
Musical Offerings
As we continue to offer both in person and online worship experiences, we are seeking ways to increase the variety of our musical offerings. If you are interested in being part of this, here are some opportunities:
- help lead worship by singing hymns. If you would like to help with this, we rehearse on Thursday evenings between 6 and 7 in the sanctuary. When you arrive at the south door of the church by the ramp, call Cathy King at 518-538-4523 and she will come unlock the door for you.
- sing or play an instrument for special music. If you don’t have a piece to play or sing, Cathy will help you find something. You can come on Thursday evenings as described above or see Cathy to arrange a different time for rehearsal.
- ring in a handbell quartet. We can space ringers 6 feet or more apart and ring wearing masks to make this a safe activity. Even if you have never tried ringing before, and you are in second grade or older, you are welcome to come and learn. Please let Cathy know of your interest by seeing her at church, calling her at 518-538-4523 or emailing her at [email protected].
Boy Scout News
The Boy Scouts have resumed their meetings by holding them in the parking lot. They’re planning their summer activities of mini-golf on June 7th and a Court of Honor on June 14th. They will be at Scout camp July 25-31. Andrew Paster’s Eagle project, an emergency food pantry, will be completed over the summer.
Summer 2021 is Coming, and Camp is Open!
Swimming! Hiking! Boating! Cabins! S'mores! They are all back at Skye Farm!
A wide variety of camp experiences for ages 3 - 18, starting July 7 - August 4, all with safety precautions and regulations in place!
Xperience 2021 (New!) Xperience 2021: Outdoors (New!) Campolodeon Campolodeon: H2O
Campolodeon: Outpost (New!) Adirondack Odyssey(New!) Adirondack Odyssey: Backpackers (New!); Camplympics (New!) Little Ones
Check it all out and register at https://campsandretreats.org/summer-camp-2021/
We recognize that Camp is not cheap, so we have Camperships available! Contact Linda Sheeran at [email protected] or 518-885-1729.
Hats Update
Hats, hats, hats - everyday there are hats. We are currently packing the hats in bags and storing them for the colder weather that will return in late Fall, when we will again distribute them locally, around the state, and across the country. We are in communications with the Four Corners Native American Ministry in Shiprock, NM and have sent several there. We may expand into other items as we hear needs out there. The Navajo have been hit very severely with COVID-19 and its effects. I will be in touch when we develop other avenues of donations for them. Maybe including socks (not handknit but purchased ones)... just a thought. We are so fortunate in our lives and what a blessing it is to share and give freely to others. Thank you for your continued support.
- Ilah Sisson Walser
Fair Trade
We have only three Dark Orange ($3) chocolate bars left. Organic Regular Coffee, Decaf Coffee, and various organic teas are also available. Please contact Stan Lockwood at 518.885.1552 or [email protected] to arrange for delivery or pick-up.
Happy birthday to:
- Lance Evans (5/30)
- Ben Taylor (6/2)
- Mason Caswell (6/2)
- Karen Parlapiano (6/3)
- Joyce Garlock (6/4)
If there is a birthday or anniversary that you would like shared, please send it to the church office by email. Happy celebrations are always a blessing!
Next week in worship - June 6
Temperature Sarah Behnke
Attendance Cherrie Sanders
Ushers Conrad Dorau
Sound Mark Warner
Projection Riley Schmidt
Liturgist Jan Mallette
Children’s Time Sue Cramer
Counters Danielle Coffey & Sue Cramer
Lemonade on the Lawn George Mallette
Have a blessed week