Welcome as we worship online and in person. Share a warm welcome with others. Coffee hour is held in the Connections Café following the service. Coloring sheets, offering envelopes, and mission baskets are located near both entrances to the church.
February Mission
February is Dental Health Month, and we will again collect dental health items for the Food Pantry. This may include toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, and mouthwash. Unfortunately, many times when budgets are tight, items like this are disregarded as too expensive. We want to add smiles to our neighbors who use the food pantry by giving them a gift of some dental health items.
Please consider getting an extra item or two when you go to the store. Then, drop it into the white wicker basket at the back of the sanctuary during (but not limited to) the month of February.
Thank you for your caring and generosity.
Dinner & a Movie
Don’t forget to sign up for dinner from Augie’s for February 16! Sign-ups may be done in the café or by contacting Stan Lockwood. The cost will be $12. The movie (with any luck!) will be “What Would Jesus Do”. A big thank you to Estella Simmons for donating her television for our use!
The Food Pantry Has Moved!
The Food Pantry has been relocated to their new location in the church! Recently over 30 people gathered to help in the move. It is not only moved but organized and open for business, already serving the community. Thank you to all who donated their time, talents, and gifts for this worthwhile endeavor.
Bishop Hector Welcomes You
As of January 1, Bishop Hector Burgos, who prefers to be addressed as Bishop Hector, is the new bishop of the Upper New York Conference. Click here to read his welcome message.
Bishop Hector is eager to meet laity and clergy throughout the Conference and has scheduled dates for regional meetings. The meetings will be as follows:
The laity meetings will be from 7 – 8:30 pm.
Another fellowship opportunity
We'd like to assess interest in a new daytime social gathering on the last Friday of each month (starting February 24) from 1-4 pm. Gather in Connections Cafe for games & fun. If you would be interested in attending, please contact the office to let us know.
Fair Trade Coffee or Chocolate
Fair Trade products are available. Chocolate bars (Extra Dark Panama, Sea Salt with Caramel Crunch and Sea Salt with Almonds), and coffees (Regular breakfast blend, Hazelnut, and Decaf) can be purchased by contacting Stan Lockwood at 518-885-1552 or at [email protected]. Enjoy some soon!
Prayer Requests
Please join our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other and praising God for what is happening in our lives. If you are interested in being involved, please contact the office to be set up.
Thrift Shop and Food Pantry
The Thrift Shop is open Tuesdays from 9:30 till noon; the Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays -- now in its new location in the Fellowship Hall of the church -- also from 9:30 till noon.
Thank you to the people who donate their time and effort to make all of these offerings possible. There are many clients and they appreciate your help.
BSUMC's Online Presence
Our services are posted to Facebook and on our website. If you Like it on Facebook and share it, it will reach many more people than if it is just on our Facebook page. You can also direct anyone to the This Week's Service page of this site, on the Videos tab (https://www.ballstonspaumchurch.org/this-weeks-service.html), where the service is posted weekly.
The Confession
On February 20 at the theatre in Colonie Center there will be a movie shown for one night only called “The Confession”. This is a musical starring Chonda Pierce and John Schneider and is based on the books by Beverly Lewis. You will “sing, laugh and gasp” as the story and the music takes you on a journey of adoption, hope and forgiveness. We can get group rates if there are more than 10 people and we pre-order our tickets. If interested, please contact the office and let Sue know.
Can you help?
Upcoming Events
February 7 - Finance meeting, 6:30 pm via Zoom
February 11 - Free soup & sandwich luncheon, 11:30-1:30, Malta Ridge UMC
February 14 - Church Council meeting, 7 pm via Zoom
February 16 - Augie’s and a movie, 6 pm – Café
February 21 - Worship meeting, 6:30 pm via Zoom
February 22 - Ash Wednesday service
February 24 - Game time, Connections Cafe, 1-4 pm
Here are this week’s birthdays:
There are no anniversaries this week.
If you have a birthday, anniversary, or graduation to celebrate, please send it to the office. We love to celebrate!
Volunteers for Next Sunday
Sound George Wilson
Projection Katie Warner
Liturgist Dolores Wilson
Ushers Melody Babcock & George Mallette
Coffee Hour Cherrie Sanders & Bill Santmire
Music Kathy Fisher
Community news
The Malta Ridge UMC, 729 Malta Ave. Ext. Malta Ridge, will host a free soup and sandwich lunch from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm on Saturday, Feb. 11. All are welcome. For additional information or directions please call the church at (518) 581-0210.
Have a blessed week
February Mission
February is Dental Health Month, and we will again collect dental health items for the Food Pantry. This may include toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, and mouthwash. Unfortunately, many times when budgets are tight, items like this are disregarded as too expensive. We want to add smiles to our neighbors who use the food pantry by giving them a gift of some dental health items.
Please consider getting an extra item or two when you go to the store. Then, drop it into the white wicker basket at the back of the sanctuary during (but not limited to) the month of February.
Thank you for your caring and generosity.
Dinner & a Movie
Don’t forget to sign up for dinner from Augie’s for February 16! Sign-ups may be done in the café or by contacting Stan Lockwood. The cost will be $12. The movie (with any luck!) will be “What Would Jesus Do”. A big thank you to Estella Simmons for donating her television for our use!
The Food Pantry Has Moved!
The Food Pantry has been relocated to their new location in the church! Recently over 30 people gathered to help in the move. It is not only moved but organized and open for business, already serving the community. Thank you to all who donated their time, talents, and gifts for this worthwhile endeavor.
Bishop Hector Welcomes You
As of January 1, Bishop Hector Burgos, who prefers to be addressed as Bishop Hector, is the new bishop of the Upper New York Conference. Click here to read his welcome message.
Bishop Hector is eager to meet laity and clergy throughout the Conference and has scheduled dates for regional meetings. The meetings will be as follows:
- February 16 – Northeast Region - New Hartford
- March 2 – Northeast Region - Plattsburgh UMC
The laity meetings will be from 7 – 8:30 pm.
Another fellowship opportunity
We'd like to assess interest in a new daytime social gathering on the last Friday of each month (starting February 24) from 1-4 pm. Gather in Connections Cafe for games & fun. If you would be interested in attending, please contact the office to let us know.
Fair Trade Coffee or Chocolate
Fair Trade products are available. Chocolate bars (Extra Dark Panama, Sea Salt with Caramel Crunch and Sea Salt with Almonds), and coffees (Regular breakfast blend, Hazelnut, and Decaf) can be purchased by contacting Stan Lockwood at 518-885-1552 or at [email protected]. Enjoy some soon!
Prayer Requests
Please join our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other and praising God for what is happening in our lives. If you are interested in being involved, please contact the office to be set up.
- Ilah Sisson Walser sends an update: My son-in-law was released from the hospital and is home. Continued prayers are requested for the continued improvement of health and wellbeing.
- Stan and Donna Lockwood ask for prayers for two of their neighbors: one young man of 54 years who has inoperable cancer and another man who is receiving chemotherapy and radiation treatments for brain cancer.
- Mary Drake asks for continued prayers for her nephew Charlie. He starts chemo treatment on Thursday.
- Terri Knowlton thanks God for all the love and prayers for her family as they mourn the loss of her brother, Kyle Knowlton.
- Dorothy Collins asks for prayers for her friend Amy’s dad who is in the hospital having heart surgery. Also, prayers for the family.
- Dorothy also asks for prayers for her friend Susan’s husband who is also in the hospital.
Thrift Shop and Food Pantry
The Thrift Shop is open Tuesdays from 9:30 till noon; the Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays -- now in its new location in the Fellowship Hall of the church -- also from 9:30 till noon.
Thank you to the people who donate their time and effort to make all of these offerings possible. There are many clients and they appreciate your help.
BSUMC's Online Presence
Our services are posted to Facebook and on our website. If you Like it on Facebook and share it, it will reach many more people than if it is just on our Facebook page. You can also direct anyone to the This Week's Service page of this site, on the Videos tab (https://www.ballstonspaumchurch.org/this-weeks-service.html), where the service is posted weekly.
The Confession
On February 20 at the theatre in Colonie Center there will be a movie shown for one night only called “The Confession”. This is a musical starring Chonda Pierce and John Schneider and is based on the books by Beverly Lewis. You will “sing, laugh and gasp” as the story and the music takes you on a journey of adoption, hope and forgiveness. We can get group rates if there are more than 10 people and we pre-order our tickets. If interested, please contact the office and let Sue know.
Can you help?
- We offer VHS tapes on our “Help yourself” table each Wednesday when we have our Food Pantry open. People say they would enjoy the movies but don’t have a VHS player. If you have one you’d like to donate, please bring it to church on Sunday morning.
- Pastor Kelly is also hopeful someone might have a synonym/antonym resource book they’d be willing to donate.
- Do you know where there might be another cork board to post information for the Food Pantry? If one was there it would be put to good use.
Upcoming Events
February 7 - Finance meeting, 6:30 pm via Zoom
February 11 - Free soup & sandwich luncheon, 11:30-1:30, Malta Ridge UMC
February 14 - Church Council meeting, 7 pm via Zoom
February 16 - Augie’s and a movie, 6 pm – Café
February 21 - Worship meeting, 6:30 pm via Zoom
February 22 - Ash Wednesday service
February 24 - Game time, Connections Cafe, 1-4 pm
Here are this week’s birthdays:
- Evan Piscitelli (2/5)
- Brian Simmons (2/6)
- Peggy Traver (2/6)
- TC Wolsey (2/7)
There are no anniversaries this week.
If you have a birthday, anniversary, or graduation to celebrate, please send it to the office. We love to celebrate!
Volunteers for Next Sunday
Sound George Wilson
Projection Katie Warner
Liturgist Dolores Wilson
Ushers Melody Babcock & George Mallette
Coffee Hour Cherrie Sanders & Bill Santmire
Music Kathy Fisher
Community news
The Malta Ridge UMC, 729 Malta Ave. Ext. Malta Ridge, will host a free soup and sandwich lunch from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm on Saturday, Feb. 11. All are welcome. For additional information or directions please call the church at (518) 581-0210.
Have a blessed week