Welcome as we worship online and in person. Share a warm welcome to others. Coffee hour is held in the Connections Café following the service. Coloring sheets, offering envelopes, and mission baskets are located near both entrances to the church. We ask that you maintain social distancing to keep everyone safe.
August 21 service
Thank you to Barbara Hurley from Round Lake UMC for leading us in worship on Sunday. Welcome back!
Bishop's Retirement Announcement
Dear Friends,
Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ.
After a season of prayer and discernment, I have made the decision to retire from the active episcopacy on Dec. 31, 2022. On Sunday, I submitted my request for retirement to the Northeastern Jurisdiction and the Council of Bishops.
I have not made this decision lightly and it is the right one for personal and spiritual reasons. The divide within the United Methodist Church has lessened my joy for this role and changed my sense of whether my gifts, convictions, and leadership as a residential Bishop are best for the United Methodist Church in the future. The writer of Ecclesiastes says: “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven.”
Jodi and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to serve with and among the people of Upper New York over these last 10 years. We look forward to returning to Pennsylvania to be closer to our children and other family.
Over the next few months, I will continue to offer all I can to assist leaders and congregations of Upper New York in preparing for days of ministry ahead that will honor God, boldly share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and increase God’s kingdom. The mission of “making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” continues.
Thank you for praying for us and be assured of our ongoing prayers for each of you.
With gratitude and love,
Mark J. Webb
Church Building Restoration Fund
We are still collecting to help defray the costs of the restoration project on the church building. We have not yet met our financial needs; any help you may give will be greatly appreciated. You can give online by clicking here (use the pull down menu to give to the Restoration Fund) OR give with cash or check through the weekly offering, or mail your contribution to the church at 101 Milton Ave. Please clearly identify that the money is to be used for the Church Building Restoration Fund. Thank you for your support.
Our Food Pantry Needs Your Help
Due to higher food costs, stocking our Food Pantry has become more difficult. Monthly donations that were received in the past are no longer available. With about 19 families each week using our services, this is a serious issue. If you are able to help, donations may be brought to the Food Pantry during office hours or placed in the box in the back of the sanctuary on Sunday morning. Some suggestions of needed items are peanut butter, cereal, ketchup, macaroni and cheese, vegetable oil, salad dressing, juice, crackers, spaghetti sauce, and elbow macaroni. Monetary donations are always accepted and may be sent to the church with “Food Pantry” on the subject line of the check. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Music Ministries
John Wesley encouraged the early Methodists to "sing lustily and with good courage", an instruction that became a characteristic of Methodism. If you would like to help enhance and expand our music ministries, see Cathy King after church or email her at [email protected].
Active Missions
We are collecting empty prescription bottles for reuse. The labels need to be removed, the bottles washed out and dried, and packed into large zip lock bags. We are also collecting the pull-tabs from cans for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. There’s a collection container in the Connections Café for each of these. Thank you for the great response!
Fall Mission
In September, we will start collecting for the Red Bird Mission Collection. This is something we did last year with great success. Shoeboxes will be filled with hygiene supplies and small gifts to send to the Red Bird Mission. You may donate supplies or fill a box on your own…the choice is yours. For more information, please contact Ilah Sisson Walser, 518-885-1275.
And Flowers Too!
Also coming in September, Hannaford has selected the BSUMC Food Pantry as the recipient of their Bloomin’ 4 Good Program. The Food Pantry will receive $1 from every Bloomin’ 4 Good bouquet sold during September at the Hannaford located at 43 Round Lake Road in Ballston Lake. Each bouquet must display the Bloomin’ 4 Good label. Please consider buying that special someone some flowers…and help the Food Pantry too!
UMCOR Thanks You
Thank you! Through your financial support, you are serving within a vital network of interactive relationships as UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) responds to increasingly-frequent and destructive catastrophes – sharing 100% of donated funds with those in need. Together, may we continue to reveal the love of God for all people and to demonstrate genuine love for our neighbors.
Roland Fernandes, General Secretary
Fair Trade
We still have Breakfast Blend and Hazelnut Coffee, Decaf Coffee, tea and hot cocoa for sale. If interested, please contact Stan Lockwood (518.885.1552 0r [email protected]) . The dark chocolate bars are gone but will return in the fall. Thank you to those who support this ministry at BSUMC.
Did You Know?
Our services are posted to Facebook and on our website. If you Like it on Facebook and share it, it will reach many more people than if it is just on our Facebook page. You can also direct anyone to the This Week's Service page of this site (https://www.ballstonspaumchurch.org/this-weeks-service.html), which is where the service is posted weekly. This would be spreading the Word of God, as we are told to do in the Bible.
Virtual Coffee Hour
We are pausing our virtual Coffee Hour during the summer months.
Thrift Shop and Food Pantry
The Thrift Shop is open Tuesdays from 9:30 till noon; the Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays, also from 9:30 till noon.
Thank you to the people who donate their time and effort to make all of these offerings possible. There are many clients and they appreciate your help.
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
This week's prayer concerns:
Please reach out to people who are alone during this time. A card or phone call will let them know they are not alone or forgotten.
Supporting the humanitarian response in Ukraine
The General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church is deeply troubled by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the ominous implications it has for escalating tensions between Russia and Western nations. They join many Christian leaders and organizations worldwide in deploring the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, and they ardently pray for a redirection of military action toward diplomatic measures to resolve grievances.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), the humanitarian relief arm of Global Ministries, is in communication with partners in the region and actively exploring the coordination of humanitarian response in Ukraine. You can support UMCOR’s international disaster response efforts by writing a check with either Advance#982450/Ukraine or UMCOR/Ukraine written in the memo line, or by visiting UMCOR's disaster response webpage.
Purchase Hoffman Car Wash Tickets to Help Ukraine
The Helping Hands/Hoffman car wash site is active if you would like to purchase car wash tickets! BSUMC + Hoffman Car Wash + UMCOR Ukraine. Buy car wash tickets and our church receives 50% of the sale!! 100% of the money BSUMC receives will go to UMCOR Ukraine. WIN - WIN!!! Clean Car and money to help the people of Ukraine. These car wash tickets never expire!! Purchase for teachers, babysitters, newspaper deliverers, gifts, etc.
Click here to purchase on-line and print out your car wash coupons immediately. Make sure the UPC code is showing BEFORE printing.
Upcoming Events
August 24 - Trustee meeting, 6:30 pm
August 19-25 - Pastor Kelly on vacation
October 3 - Church Conference at Malta Ridge UMC, 6 pm
If you have a birthday, anniversary, or graduation to celebrate, please send it to the office. We love to celebrate!
Only one birthday this week: John Cummings (8/22). Happy birthday to you!
And two anniversaries:
Next week in worship:
Sound Mark Warner
Projection AJ Schmidt
Liturgist George Wilson
Ushers Mary Drake & George Mallette
Music Cathy King
Coffee Hour Cherrie Sanders & Bill Santmire
If you would like to volunteer to help with Sunday services or Coffee Hour, please contact Ruth Persons after church.
Have a blessed week
August 21 service
Thank you to Barbara Hurley from Round Lake UMC for leading us in worship on Sunday. Welcome back!
Bishop's Retirement Announcement
Dear Friends,
Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ.
After a season of prayer and discernment, I have made the decision to retire from the active episcopacy on Dec. 31, 2022. On Sunday, I submitted my request for retirement to the Northeastern Jurisdiction and the Council of Bishops.
I have not made this decision lightly and it is the right one for personal and spiritual reasons. The divide within the United Methodist Church has lessened my joy for this role and changed my sense of whether my gifts, convictions, and leadership as a residential Bishop are best for the United Methodist Church in the future. The writer of Ecclesiastes says: “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven.”
Jodi and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to serve with and among the people of Upper New York over these last 10 years. We look forward to returning to Pennsylvania to be closer to our children and other family.
Over the next few months, I will continue to offer all I can to assist leaders and congregations of Upper New York in preparing for days of ministry ahead that will honor God, boldly share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and increase God’s kingdom. The mission of “making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” continues.
Thank you for praying for us and be assured of our ongoing prayers for each of you.
With gratitude and love,
Mark J. Webb
Church Building Restoration Fund
We are still collecting to help defray the costs of the restoration project on the church building. We have not yet met our financial needs; any help you may give will be greatly appreciated. You can give online by clicking here (use the pull down menu to give to the Restoration Fund) OR give with cash or check through the weekly offering, or mail your contribution to the church at 101 Milton Ave. Please clearly identify that the money is to be used for the Church Building Restoration Fund. Thank you for your support.
Our Food Pantry Needs Your Help
Due to higher food costs, stocking our Food Pantry has become more difficult. Monthly donations that were received in the past are no longer available. With about 19 families each week using our services, this is a serious issue. If you are able to help, donations may be brought to the Food Pantry during office hours or placed in the box in the back of the sanctuary on Sunday morning. Some suggestions of needed items are peanut butter, cereal, ketchup, macaroni and cheese, vegetable oil, salad dressing, juice, crackers, spaghetti sauce, and elbow macaroni. Monetary donations are always accepted and may be sent to the church with “Food Pantry” on the subject line of the check. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Music Ministries
John Wesley encouraged the early Methodists to "sing lustily and with good courage", an instruction that became a characteristic of Methodism. If you would like to help enhance and expand our music ministries, see Cathy King after church or email her at [email protected].
Active Missions
We are collecting empty prescription bottles for reuse. The labels need to be removed, the bottles washed out and dried, and packed into large zip lock bags. We are also collecting the pull-tabs from cans for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. There’s a collection container in the Connections Café for each of these. Thank you for the great response!
Fall Mission
In September, we will start collecting for the Red Bird Mission Collection. This is something we did last year with great success. Shoeboxes will be filled with hygiene supplies and small gifts to send to the Red Bird Mission. You may donate supplies or fill a box on your own…the choice is yours. For more information, please contact Ilah Sisson Walser, 518-885-1275.
And Flowers Too!
Also coming in September, Hannaford has selected the BSUMC Food Pantry as the recipient of their Bloomin’ 4 Good Program. The Food Pantry will receive $1 from every Bloomin’ 4 Good bouquet sold during September at the Hannaford located at 43 Round Lake Road in Ballston Lake. Each bouquet must display the Bloomin’ 4 Good label. Please consider buying that special someone some flowers…and help the Food Pantry too!
UMCOR Thanks You
Thank you! Through your financial support, you are serving within a vital network of interactive relationships as UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) responds to increasingly-frequent and destructive catastrophes – sharing 100% of donated funds with those in need. Together, may we continue to reveal the love of God for all people and to demonstrate genuine love for our neighbors.
Roland Fernandes, General Secretary
Fair Trade
We still have Breakfast Blend and Hazelnut Coffee, Decaf Coffee, tea and hot cocoa for sale. If interested, please contact Stan Lockwood (518.885.1552 0r [email protected]) . The dark chocolate bars are gone but will return in the fall. Thank you to those who support this ministry at BSUMC.
Did You Know?
Our services are posted to Facebook and on our website. If you Like it on Facebook and share it, it will reach many more people than if it is just on our Facebook page. You can also direct anyone to the This Week's Service page of this site (https://www.ballstonspaumchurch.org/this-weeks-service.html), which is where the service is posted weekly. This would be spreading the Word of God, as we are told to do in the Bible.
Virtual Coffee Hour
We are pausing our virtual Coffee Hour during the summer months.
Thrift Shop and Food Pantry
The Thrift Shop is open Tuesdays from 9:30 till noon; the Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays, also from 9:30 till noon.
Thank you to the people who donate their time and effort to make all of these offerings possible. There are many clients and they appreciate your help.
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
This week's prayer concerns:
- Melody Babcock asks for prayers for good results of her brain scan.
- Please continue to pray for Pat Brewster and her family as they grieve the loss of her daughter, Sherrie. They are grateful for our prayers and loving support.
- Prayers for people in transition – in their homes, jobs or lives.
- Prayers for Ann Marie Williams to return to health and continued prayers of healing for her daughter following her serious car accident.
- Prayers for Beverly Clark who had a serious heart attack.
- Bob Mundell died on August 5. Prayers for his wife Suzanne and son Scott.
- Please continue to keep Bob Elbertson, Bill Haege, Marilynn Peterson, and Pat Jones in your prayers.
Please reach out to people who are alone during this time. A card or phone call will let them know they are not alone or forgotten.
Supporting the humanitarian response in Ukraine
The General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church is deeply troubled by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the ominous implications it has for escalating tensions between Russia and Western nations. They join many Christian leaders and organizations worldwide in deploring the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, and they ardently pray for a redirection of military action toward diplomatic measures to resolve grievances.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), the humanitarian relief arm of Global Ministries, is in communication with partners in the region and actively exploring the coordination of humanitarian response in Ukraine. You can support UMCOR’s international disaster response efforts by writing a check with either Advance#982450/Ukraine or UMCOR/Ukraine written in the memo line, or by visiting UMCOR's disaster response webpage.
Purchase Hoffman Car Wash Tickets to Help Ukraine
The Helping Hands/Hoffman car wash site is active if you would like to purchase car wash tickets! BSUMC + Hoffman Car Wash + UMCOR Ukraine. Buy car wash tickets and our church receives 50% of the sale!! 100% of the money BSUMC receives will go to UMCOR Ukraine. WIN - WIN!!! Clean Car and money to help the people of Ukraine. These car wash tickets never expire!! Purchase for teachers, babysitters, newspaper deliverers, gifts, etc.
Click here to purchase on-line and print out your car wash coupons immediately. Make sure the UPC code is showing BEFORE printing.
- Exterior only: $13 - Your vehicle enters a modern car wash bay where it receives a soft-cloth wash followed by touch-free air drying.
- Full Service Car wash: $43 - Your vehicle first receives an Exterior Car Wash. Car care attendants then vacuum the carpets, seats and ashtrays and wipe the interior windows, dashboard and doorjambs. Finally, they add an air freshener of your choice, and the exterior of your vehicle is hand dried.
- 1672 Route 9, Clifton Park
- 1757 Central Avenue, Colonie
- 753 New Loudon Road, Latham
Upcoming Events
August 24 - Trustee meeting, 6:30 pm
August 19-25 - Pastor Kelly on vacation
October 3 - Church Conference at Malta Ridge UMC, 6 pm
If you have a birthday, anniversary, or graduation to celebrate, please send it to the office. We love to celebrate!
Only one birthday this week: John Cummings (8/22). Happy birthday to you!
And two anniversaries:
- Sherry & Kevin Grentzer (8/24)
- Linda & John Sheeran (8/25)
Next week in worship:
Sound Mark Warner
Projection AJ Schmidt
Liturgist George Wilson
Ushers Mary Drake & George Mallette
Music Cathy King
Coffee Hour Cherrie Sanders & Bill Santmire
If you would like to volunteer to help with Sunday services or Coffee Hour, please contact Ruth Persons after church.
Have a blessed week