Important Announcement
Due to the high Covid numbers we are required to wear masks when indoors, but the bulletins have returned. Coloring sheets and activity pages continue to be available for children and are located next to the bulletins on the table as you enter through the south door (the ramp). If you space yourself 12 feet apart you are invited to participate in the unison prayers and singing. We ask that you exit through the north door as you are able. And please maintain social distancing. Please help to keep everyone safe.
Sunday School Resumed on January 23
Upcoming dates for classes will be February 13 and 27, and March 13 and 27.
Church Building Restoration Fund
The first part of the work to repair the church’s structural stability has been completed. The next phase will be done in the spring. Please consider contributing to help us work towards paying the remaining $65,000 for this project. Although there are investments which were received through generous bequests, the extent and cost of these repairs would significantly deplete church investments if not replenished. You can give online by clicking here (use the pull down menu to give to the Restoration Fund) OR give with cash or check through the weekly offering. Please clearly identify that the money is to be used for the Church Building Restoration Fund. Thank you for your support.
February Mission
Our next Mission Venture is centered around health and welfare. February is Dental Health month. We will be collecting toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, and mouthwash. These items will be distributed locally through the food pantry and other local areas of need.
At the same time we are launching a drive to support the healthcare workers and first responders who are working so hard to keep us all safe and cared for. FLAG is a group associated with the Saratoga Chamber of Commerce who are supporting healthcare workers with meals, gift cards, snacks, and care items like lotions. We will be collecting money for this cause. Please designate any donations for FLAG in the memo line so that the counters, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer can properly administer this.
We take our health and welfare so much for granted until we are faced with a health challenge. Dental health affects our whole body, and with folks who are on the margins, proper care is not always afforded. A new toothbrush and paste would be a welcomed addition to their food pantry bag. For our health care workers, they need the acknowledgement and care for their wellbeing. Please consider joining this effort to care for the health and welfare of those around us. Thank you.
Give to UMCOR US Disaster Response
UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) is responding to the deadly tornadoes moving through several states. As the massive storm system continues to move across the country, we ask for your immediate response in prayer and financial support. Please be there for survivors by supporting UMCOR US Disaster Response with a gift today. You may give by clicking here and choosing UMCOR Disaster Support or by writing UMCOR US Disaster Response on your check in the subject line and sending it to the church.
UMCOR Thanks You
Through your financial support you are serving within a vital network of interactive relationships in the US and in more than 60 countries in which UMCOR and partnering agencies engage in direct ministry to persons in need.
May we continue to reveal the love of God for men, women, and children of all ethnic, racial, cultural, and national backgrounds and to demonstrate the healing power of the gospel with those who suffer.
Department of Social Services
The Saratoga County DSS Children’s Christmas Program would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for partnering with us to bring much needed assistance to impoverished families of Saratoga County this past Christmas. With your help, we were able to provide Christmas presents to 263 children. This was only possible because of the generous support of people like you. Thank you.
Fair Trade
Fair Trade coffee, tea, and dark chocolate bars are available for those who wish to purchase it. Just call or email Stan Lockwood to make arrangements (518.885.1552 or [email protected]) . Thank you to those who support this ministry at BSUMC.
Financial Assistance Available
Rebuilding Together of Saratoga County has been enlisted by the state to let homeowners know about a grant that will provide them with financial assistance if they are behind in mortgage payments, property taxes, lot rent in mobile home parks, or utilities that put them in danger of foreclosure. If you need financial assistance, you may contact Melissa Murphy, Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator, at 518-587-3315 x102 or [email protected].
Thrift Shop and Food Pantry
The Thrift Shop is closed due to Covid but the work of meeting our neighbors’ needs is still ongoing. Hats, mittens, and scarfs are available in the Food Pantry for anyone who may want one. This has been something that has been done for years. But now, coats are also available. About a dozen coats are put out each week for people to take as needed. The Thrift Shop may be closed, but our neighbors can still be warm.
The Food Pantry has returned to bagged offerings to our clientele to limit the threat of spreading Covid. We hope to return to the regular way of doing things very soon.
Thank you to the people who donate their time and effort to make all of these offerings possible.
Did You Know?
Our services are posted to Facebook and on our website. If you Like it on Facebook and share it, it will reach many more people than if it is just on our Facebook page. You can also direct anyone to the Recent Posts page of this site (, which is where the service is posted weekly. This would be spreading the Word of God, as we are told to do in the Bible.
Sunday Coffee Hour is on ZOOM or by Phone
Join us for the 9:00 am Sunday Coffee Fellowship on Zoom. Please meet by computer or phone by connecting with the following information:
In the Zoom app or by phone at 929-205-6099, you can use Meeting ID: 963 0143 0502 / Passcode: 956579. Or simply click here to join Zoom Meeting.
Boy Scouts of America Settlement Announced
Pending court approval of a settlement agreement in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) bankruptcy case, United Methodists have agreed to contribute $30 million to a $3 billion Survivor Trust Fund that will be funded by the BSA, insurance companies, and charter organizations.
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
This week's prayer concerns:
Please reach out to people who are alone during this time. A card or phone call will let them know they are not alone or forgotten.
Upcoming Events
January 31 - Winterwear Mission Ends
February 1 - Dental Health Mission Starts
February 26 - Soup Sale! Watch for more details...
July - Church Rummage Sale
We have birthdays to celebrate!
Next week in worship:
Sound Riley Schmidt
Projection AJ Schmidt
Liturgist Linda Sheeran
Children’s Time Sue Cramer
Ushers Conrad Dorau & Melody Babcock
Music Terri Knowlton
If you would like to volunteer to help with the Sunday service, please contact Ruth Persons after church.
Narratives of local church vitality 2022 series
The statistics that a local congregation reports (such as worship attendance, professions of faith, etc.) provide a snapshot of a church’s vitality. Numbers are great, but what about stories that churches can share? Stories that inspire! Stories that motivate! Stories that can encourage churches throughout the Upper New York (UNY) Conference to try something new to live out the mission of the United Methodist Church, to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Look forward throughout 2022 for narratives of church success stories in particular markers of vitality. Each month will feature a different marker of vitality. These stories will be shared on the UNY Conference website and in the Weekly Digest. Look through the categories below. If you feel your local congregation has strength in any area, submit your story.
January: Members becoming followers of Jesus
February: Developing current leaders
March: Members stepping into leadership roles for the first time
April: Mission and outreach
May: Accountability groups
June: Supporting marginalized or oppressed individuals and communities
July: Church membership growth
The UNY Director of Vital Congregations, the Rev. Dr. Aaron Bouwens said, “Of the many things the COVID pandemic has shown us, how we measure and celebrate vitality cannot be done the way it has always been done. People have been faithfully being the Church in ways that require us to gather information in a different way. Getting the stories of transformation along with some key statistics will help celebrate the many ways God is on the move in people of Upper New York.”
Have a blessed week
Due to the high Covid numbers we are required to wear masks when indoors, but the bulletins have returned. Coloring sheets and activity pages continue to be available for children and are located next to the bulletins on the table as you enter through the south door (the ramp). If you space yourself 12 feet apart you are invited to participate in the unison prayers and singing. We ask that you exit through the north door as you are able. And please maintain social distancing. Please help to keep everyone safe.
Sunday School Resumed on January 23
Upcoming dates for classes will be February 13 and 27, and March 13 and 27.
Church Building Restoration Fund
The first part of the work to repair the church’s structural stability has been completed. The next phase will be done in the spring. Please consider contributing to help us work towards paying the remaining $65,000 for this project. Although there are investments which were received through generous bequests, the extent and cost of these repairs would significantly deplete church investments if not replenished. You can give online by clicking here (use the pull down menu to give to the Restoration Fund) OR give with cash or check through the weekly offering. Please clearly identify that the money is to be used for the Church Building Restoration Fund. Thank you for your support.
February Mission
Our next Mission Venture is centered around health and welfare. February is Dental Health month. We will be collecting toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, and mouthwash. These items will be distributed locally through the food pantry and other local areas of need.
At the same time we are launching a drive to support the healthcare workers and first responders who are working so hard to keep us all safe and cared for. FLAG is a group associated with the Saratoga Chamber of Commerce who are supporting healthcare workers with meals, gift cards, snacks, and care items like lotions. We will be collecting money for this cause. Please designate any donations for FLAG in the memo line so that the counters, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer can properly administer this.
We take our health and welfare so much for granted until we are faced with a health challenge. Dental health affects our whole body, and with folks who are on the margins, proper care is not always afforded. A new toothbrush and paste would be a welcomed addition to their food pantry bag. For our health care workers, they need the acknowledgement and care for their wellbeing. Please consider joining this effort to care for the health and welfare of those around us. Thank you.
Give to UMCOR US Disaster Response
UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) is responding to the deadly tornadoes moving through several states. As the massive storm system continues to move across the country, we ask for your immediate response in prayer and financial support. Please be there for survivors by supporting UMCOR US Disaster Response with a gift today. You may give by clicking here and choosing UMCOR Disaster Support or by writing UMCOR US Disaster Response on your check in the subject line and sending it to the church.
UMCOR Thanks You
Through your financial support you are serving within a vital network of interactive relationships in the US and in more than 60 countries in which UMCOR and partnering agencies engage in direct ministry to persons in need.
May we continue to reveal the love of God for men, women, and children of all ethnic, racial, cultural, and national backgrounds and to demonstrate the healing power of the gospel with those who suffer.
Department of Social Services
The Saratoga County DSS Children’s Christmas Program would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for partnering with us to bring much needed assistance to impoverished families of Saratoga County this past Christmas. With your help, we were able to provide Christmas presents to 263 children. This was only possible because of the generous support of people like you. Thank you.
Fair Trade
Fair Trade coffee, tea, and dark chocolate bars are available for those who wish to purchase it. Just call or email Stan Lockwood to make arrangements (518.885.1552 or [email protected]) . Thank you to those who support this ministry at BSUMC.
Financial Assistance Available
Rebuilding Together of Saratoga County has been enlisted by the state to let homeowners know about a grant that will provide them with financial assistance if they are behind in mortgage payments, property taxes, lot rent in mobile home parks, or utilities that put them in danger of foreclosure. If you need financial assistance, you may contact Melissa Murphy, Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator, at 518-587-3315 x102 or [email protected].
Thrift Shop and Food Pantry
The Thrift Shop is closed due to Covid but the work of meeting our neighbors’ needs is still ongoing. Hats, mittens, and scarfs are available in the Food Pantry for anyone who may want one. This has been something that has been done for years. But now, coats are also available. About a dozen coats are put out each week for people to take as needed. The Thrift Shop may be closed, but our neighbors can still be warm.
The Food Pantry has returned to bagged offerings to our clientele to limit the threat of spreading Covid. We hope to return to the regular way of doing things very soon.
Thank you to the people who donate their time and effort to make all of these offerings possible.
Did You Know?
Our services are posted to Facebook and on our website. If you Like it on Facebook and share it, it will reach many more people than if it is just on our Facebook page. You can also direct anyone to the Recent Posts page of this site (, which is where the service is posted weekly. This would be spreading the Word of God, as we are told to do in the Bible.
Sunday Coffee Hour is on ZOOM or by Phone
Join us for the 9:00 am Sunday Coffee Fellowship on Zoom. Please meet by computer or phone by connecting with the following information:
In the Zoom app or by phone at 929-205-6099, you can use Meeting ID: 963 0143 0502 / Passcode: 956579. Or simply click here to join Zoom Meeting.
Boy Scouts of America Settlement Announced
Pending court approval of a settlement agreement in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) bankruptcy case, United Methodists have agreed to contribute $30 million to a $3 billion Survivor Trust Fund that will be funded by the BSA, insurance companies, and charter organizations.
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
This week's prayer concerns:
- Lou Cook is now in Saratoga Hospital. Please pray for his health. Cards may be sent to him there.
- Mary Drake asks: Please keep my friend Cathy and her family in your prayers. Her dad passed away and was laid to rest on Friday 1/21. Cathy lives in California and has Covid and was unable to attend her father's funeral.
- Mary Drake: Please pray for my sister Lou Ann Dring. She is having problems with one of her legs and may require major surgery which could result in the loss of her leg. Thank you.
- Mary Drake asks for prayers for her Uncle Tom and the family in Indiana. He is 84 years old, and his kidneys are only functioning at 11%. He is declining dialysis due to his age. His wife Ann is suffering from dementia and doesn’t understand what is going on.
- Thelma Armer is grateful for her successful heart surgery. She is resting and healing at home.
- Ilah Sisson Walser writes: As the numbers surge, we must remember each number in reports is a person who needs our prayers, and for their families. All in my family and extended family are recovering. A dear family friend has lost his battle with the disease, passing away on January 12th. Please hold his family in your prayers. In our Church family, there are several families affected with loved ones being ill, waiting for results of tests, and waiting with concern. Our prayers go out to all those suffering loss and illness.
- Cherrie Sanders is sad to report that her friend John Hulbert passed away January 8th. Please pray for his family.
- Please include Carole DiLallo in your prayers. She is dealing with some health issues.
- Pat Jones is out of the hospital but is on oxygen, please continue to pray for her.
- Continue to keep Helen Senecal in your prayers as she continues to recuperate at home.
- Please pray for Marty Malone, Pastor Kelly’s dad, age 80. They have detected some areas of concern on his right lung.
- Ilah Sisson Walser asks for prayers for a friend, Linda, who is going through another bout with cancer with specialized treatments at Sloan Kettering. She would appreciate your continued prayers. She has received a Prayer Shawl made by Breta so our prayers can surround her.
- Mark Warner asks: Please pray for my good friend Louis who has been diagnosed with early-onset memory loss. He is being treated with anti-Alzheimer’s medication.
- Please keep Kelly Schmidt and her family in prayer. Kelly’s grandmother is now in rehab.
- Please pray for Dorothy’s friend Sharon that her doctors find the right treatments for her.
- Pat Jones would like prayers for her sister Doris Diamond who has health issues.
- Carrie Adserias requests prayers for Kyle’s Grandma Carleen who has been battling with spreading cancer and treatments for a while now and is suffering with complications.
- Please continue to keep Bill Haege, Marilynn Peterson, and Bob Elbertson in your prayers.
Please reach out to people who are alone during this time. A card or phone call will let them know they are not alone or forgotten.
Upcoming Events
January 31 - Winterwear Mission Ends
February 1 - Dental Health Mission Starts
February 26 - Soup Sale! Watch for more details...
July - Church Rummage Sale
We have birthdays to celebrate!
- George Wilson Jr. (1/31)
- Maddy Wilson (2/1)
- Parker Caswell (2/3)
- AJ Schmidt (2/4)
- Garrett Evans (2/4)
Next week in worship:
Sound Riley Schmidt
Projection AJ Schmidt
Liturgist Linda Sheeran
Children’s Time Sue Cramer
Ushers Conrad Dorau & Melody Babcock
Music Terri Knowlton
If you would like to volunteer to help with the Sunday service, please contact Ruth Persons after church.
Narratives of local church vitality 2022 series
The statistics that a local congregation reports (such as worship attendance, professions of faith, etc.) provide a snapshot of a church’s vitality. Numbers are great, but what about stories that churches can share? Stories that inspire! Stories that motivate! Stories that can encourage churches throughout the Upper New York (UNY) Conference to try something new to live out the mission of the United Methodist Church, to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Look forward throughout 2022 for narratives of church success stories in particular markers of vitality. Each month will feature a different marker of vitality. These stories will be shared on the UNY Conference website and in the Weekly Digest. Look through the categories below. If you feel your local congregation has strength in any area, submit your story.
January: Members becoming followers of Jesus
February: Developing current leaders
March: Members stepping into leadership roles for the first time
April: Mission and outreach
May: Accountability groups
June: Supporting marginalized or oppressed individuals and communities
July: Church membership growth
The UNY Director of Vital Congregations, the Rev. Dr. Aaron Bouwens said, “Of the many things the COVID pandemic has shown us, how we measure and celebrate vitality cannot be done the way it has always been done. People have been faithfully being the Church in ways that require us to gather information in a different way. Getting the stories of transformation along with some key statistics will help celebrate the many ways God is on the move in people of Upper New York.”
Have a blessed week