Sunday School News
Advent Surprises are being prepared for our children and youth! The families who were able to join us in worship on Nov. 29th received their bag of activities and crafts, plus a one year family devotional. We encourage families to post pictures to our church’s Facebook of what you make (and are doing) in your countdown to Christmas. Our Sunday School chairperson Marci Wilson will deliver Advent surprise bags to any families not able to be in church today.
Invitation to Discuss Social Justice Issues
Pastor Kelly and Dolores Wilson invite you to join them for the last 2 weeks of a 4-week Bible study and discussion time. The topics and times will be:
Week 3 - Thursday, December 3, 7 pm Seeing Materialism Through God’s Eyes
Week 4 - Thursday, December 10, 7 pm Seeing Justice Through God’s Eyes
Contact Pastor Kelly at (518) 309-3737 or the church office at (518) 885-6886 if you wish to be part of any or all of these discussions. Weekly Bible readings will be sent out to you ahead of time. You can choose to read highlighted shorter passages, or full chapters as you read for each week’s gathering.
We will meet using ZOOM but if you don’t have access to that you can come to the church’s Connections Cafe and join the group discussion there. Please feel free to invite any family or friends who might be interested in joining us. These thought-provoking topics are especially relevant as we head into the Christmas season!
November is Native American Heritage Month
During the month of November, United Methodists are called to learn more about the history of Native/indigenous people. America is a vast land of many cultures dating back thousands of years to the original inhabitants of the land. History, heritage, or culture of Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians are part of every national park and communities across the country today. Every November during Native American Heritage Month and throughout the year, the National Park Service and our partners share history and the continuing culture of America’s indigenous peoples.
From east to west, UMCOR is responding to super storms
As Tropical Storm Eta, which was a Category 4 hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico, crossed over Florida on its way toward the Atlantic Ocean, Typhoon Vamco hit the Philippines with winds equal to a Category 2 hurricane. Both storms have been deadly, causing severe flooding and displacing hundreds of thousands – all during a pandemic.
Please help UMCOR respond.
Eighty years ago, the Methodist community was moved by the mass suffering of men, women, and children when war in Europe and the Pacific forced the evacuation, expulsion and deportation of millions of individuals and families from their homes.
Today, UMCOR remains a voice of conscience for the suffering, poor, exploited and displaced around the world.
With a focus on disaster preparedness and recovery as well as migration and sustainable development, UMCOR is responding to the needs of yet another historic moment
Be a part of an enduring legacy of hope – give, today.
Consecration Pledge Cards
If you haven’t yet returned your pledge cards, it’s not too late. You may place them in the collection plate after church or mail them to the office.
Weekly Services and Sermons on Facebook
The service is posted weekly on our Facebook page and on the Recent Posts page of this site. The sermon manuscript is also posted on this site under the Blog heading. If you do not have access to any of those resources, a print copy can be mailed to you from our church office. Please let the office (518-885-6886) know if you would like it mailed to you and are not currently receiving it that way.
Worship Schedule for Advent
December 6 - Second Sunday in Advent
Scripture: Mark 1: 1-8, 2 Peter 3:9,11b-12a, 14
Sermon: “Find Peace”
Theme: Peace (Holy Communion)
- “Why Was He Born in a Stable?” (Kelly Schmidt & Anna Wilson)
- "Emmanuel" (Mark Warner)
December 13 - Third Sunday in Advent
Scripture: Luke 2:26-38
Sermon: “Joy Unspeakable”
Theme: Joy
December 20 - Fourth Sunday in Advent
Scripture: Luke 2:1-7, Isaiah 61:1-4
Sermon: “Love for All this Christmas”
Theme: Love
December 24 - Christmas Eve (7 pm)
Lessons and Carols
December 27 - First Sunday of Christmas
Christmas Songs
Zoom Links Available for Bishop Webb’s Laity Gatherings
Bishop Webb is inviting all laity to join him in December for Regional gatherings on Zoom. These gatherings will be a time of prayer and conversation around our ongoing commitment to the mission of the Church in these unprecedented days.
Bishop Webb said, “I look forward to gathering with the laity of each region to join together in prayer, celebrate the ongoing ministry within each congregation, and keep our focus upon the common task we share in ‘making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.’”
The session for the Northeast Region (Northern Flow, Adirondack, Mohawk, and Albany Districts) will be held this Wednesday, Dec. 2 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
To join the meeting:
- Call 646-558-8656, or
- Connect via Zoom using meeting ID 933 6043 0915 and passcode 068009.
Find Daily Devotions On-line
Devotional resources are one of the needs identified by pastors and other local church leaders in recent research conducted by United Methodist Communications.
The Upper Room and the National Council of Churches are among the United Methodist and ecumenical agencies producing daily devotions online.
The Upper Room: Morning prayer on Facebook, daily, 11 am CDT; Daily Devotionals from The Upper Room Magazine.
National Council of Churches: Prayer and scripture posted daily throughout the pandemic.
Prayer Group
Please consider joining our prayer group. This is an on-line way of praying for each other’s needs and praising God for what is happening in each other’s lives. If you would be interested in being involved, please either call or email the office and you can be set up.
- Please pray for the Cook (Lou and Joyce Cook) family.
- Please pray for Kathy Haege. She has been diagnosed with leukemia. Further tests are being run to determine the type of leukemia and the course of treatment.
- And for Bill Haege who is sorely missing his primary caregiver following his foot surgery.
- Prayers are needed for Pat Jones who had pneumonia.
- Please pray for Melissa who is experiencing medical issues.
- Keep Bob Elbertson in your prayers.
- Prayers for the family of Gary DiLallo, who served this congregation as a Lay Pastor a few years ago. He died recently after a lenghty stay at Glens Falls Hospital. Please keep his wife Carol especially in your prayers.
Fair Trade
There are still a few dark chocolate bars left (orange and panama extra dark) if folks are still interested in holiday gifts or for their own enjoyment. Please contact Stan Lockwood at 518-885-1552 or via email at [email protected] for coffee, tea, and hot chocolate.
Music for Services
At present, we are not permitted to sing hymns as a congregation, so we would like to feature instrumentalists as much as possible. If you are interested in playing during the service, please contact Cathy King at 518 584-2865 or [email protected] with your availability. She would need a few dates that work for you so she can schedule things appropriately.
Many thanks for sharing your gifts of music!
Have a blessed week